Sunday, November 8, 2020

11/8/20 Busy Saturday Morning? (part 1 of 4)

     I was not looking forward to it, but Wife scheduled us for a 9:00am appointment to get our brains scrambled once again.  We got Covid-19 tested because Baby A had friends over last weekend and they were all complaining of cold fever symptoms.  By that I mean they all had runny noses, and complaining of a cough and some body aches.  I was having a hard time believing this since I felt fine, and Wife felt fine too.  Either way, we decided to do the right thing and test ourselves.

    This was a very different procedure, not sure if it is because they have more experience or if everyone there has already tested positive and aren't as scared, but there were no hazmat suits on site.  This time we did a drive through test, meaning we did not get out of our cars.  It was in an empty old Home Depot parking lot, we drove in snake style, follow the leader and we stopped at a couple of spots, first to check our registration information, which Wife had done earlier in the week, then we were pulled aside because we had three people testing versus the one in most cars, I guess.  The snake of cars kept crawling forward, at another station we were double checked on the info and given a zip-lock baggy, well, it was slipped under the wiper blades, then we got to the station where they actually did the testing, it was very efficient, all this took maybe fifteen minutes total.  Once we had everything, we were split into two lines and I guess two teams of 2-3 nurses or "nose pokers" (apparently Wife got certified this past week to do this so anyone can do it ??) took care of the nitty gritty.  

    This test is no joke, there is no preparing for the violent attack to the sinuses.  They take the most aggressive looking cotton swabs, this ain't no Q-tip, this is a swab on the end of a 10-12 inch wooden stick.  The only thing one can do before the attack is they do give you a tissue and tell you to blow your nose, they want to make sure it is nice and dry in there.  I think that makes it worse, but once that happens, take a deep breath, say a prayer, pull up some porn on your phone, try whatever you want, it doesn't matter, they poke so far back and deep your eyes will twitch and it lasts for 10 slow seconds, Wife said she counted to ten in her head and when she finished, the lady was just rounding the corner at 5, 4, 3, 2, and 1.  I complained like a little girl the first time we did this, they laughed at me.  This time, both Baby A and Wife said it was horrible and it took them a good 30 minutes to get over the ordeal.  I knew it was going to suck, so I even put the car in Park to make sure I didn't loose control of the car.

    After this, we drove out the side of the parking lot and back into society.  It took me a couple minutes to come back to normal and honestly, the rest of the day was great, we even had breakfast in a restaurant, which we hadn't done in almost a year.

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