Saturday, August 8, 2020

8/8/20 Running All Day Long, Krull Style?

    I love thinking of that cheesy movie Krull every time we have to run on a schedule, but for those who don't know the movie, there is a bad guy from another world who lives on a moving mountain/ship and he steals a King's beloved and through a little magic and sorcery, they figure out where on Earth the mountain will appear next.  They find a herd of wild Clydesdales and use them to run against time before the mountain moves yet again, which it does at the end of every day.  Once they get on the mountain/ship, they fight the alien and kill him (of course).  Anyways, we picked up the U-Haul trailer around 5:30pm on Thursday evening and had until Friday at 5:30pm to drop it off or risk paying another $18.95 and there is no way I was doing that.

    We got up at well, 8:00am for Wife, I got up closer to 9:00am and did my thing to get ready.  Javalina woke up at the same time before we called him and was already showered, I think he just stayed up all night, judging by his surly behavior and way he was snapping at us while offering him food at Buc-ee's.  Everything went fairly smoothly, I drove in the morning, getting us to Buc-ee's with no issues and filling it back up, even though it had been full when we left the house.  It barely took like four gallons or something small like that.  We got all sorts of stuff not on our diet, I did anyway, two tacos, sweetened almonds and pecans and a big coffee.  I ate all of it up as we drove and as soon as I finished everything around Batesville, 2.5 hours in, I got sleepy.  Wife then drove the last 20 minutes or so and we got to the new apartment.  It was really nicer than I could have imagined.  It had a nice living area, full kitchen, a full bathroom (Javalina said the walk in shower was bigger than the ones in our house), and then a good sized bedroom, with central air and Wife's cousin was in there busily trying to paint it and touch it up before we got there.  We talked for him for almost too long, but he is being very generous in letting Wife stay there for free, no questions asked.  He said he wanted more time to finish touching up the walls and putting everything back together, like the doors back on the hinges and covers back on the switches and outlets.  We got everything off and he assured us he would assemble the bed for her, so after trying to do it and him insisting we go and say hi to my folks, we did.

    We called my mom who said she would be outside and we could stay on the outside of the fence so no Covid-19 would be transferred from us to them (we are from the big city, so we must already have it).  As soon as we got off the car, she got mad at me for not hugging my mother quick enough at which point I hugged her and told her "don't blame for killing Dad." (in a half joking manner)  We stayed there for maybe 20-30 minutes, and then we got going again after realizing it was already 2:00pm.  We didn't even go inside to use the bathroom, so Wife suggested we stop at her office to go to the bathroom, which gave me a chance to finally see where she works.  She has a nice big office, and we took some snacks and got on our way.  

    Wife drove us back and only stopped to gas up because we were not going to make it all the way home with the gas we had left.  I honestly fell asleep on the highway and woke up just as Wife turned one entrance too early and almost got herself stuck pulling into an apartment complex with the trailer.  I woke and told her I would drive us out.  I determined I could make the turn, even if it was tight and got us into the U-Haul parking lot about ten minutes late, the phone said it was 5:43pm.  The guys all seemed busy and distracted there.  The guy in the front office said to back it up and someone would help me disconnect it.  I had already backed it up and by the time I walked back out another guy disconnected us.  I was waiting for the thumbs up to leave and a different guy came out to disconnect us I guess and he gave me a thumbs up, so we left, with my extra $18.95 in my pocket.  Whew!!

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