Wednesday, August 26, 2020

8/26/20 Mom Upstaged Me On My Birthday?

     I kid, I am just happy she will be ok as I write this Friday morning, we got word she might even be released today.  I am not sure what the deal is, but we might end up going down to see her if so.  Anyway, I am now 49 years as of me sitting here writing this.  Mentally, I feel like I am still in my 20's, but my body has seen better days.  For the fact that I am a 400 pounder, I feel like I am doing pretty good, actually.  I have been losing weight, down 40 pounds in the last couple months, which is making me feel better overall.  I have started lifting weights again the last two weeks, which also makes me feel better.  There are just those nagging little complaints most people have.  I have bad knees that really started bothering me in the last year or two, and recently my lower back got tweaked and it is taking a long while for the annoying little pain to go away.  I like laying on my stomach to read on my phone and that just makes the lower back intensify in pain.  I can't really complain though, for what and where I am, it is mostly positive things going on in my life.

    My boys are both strong and healthy, moving forward and being decent humans.  They don't smoke or drink or have bad vices I have to worry about.  Even Boy, in his later 20's, hardly goes out, not that Covid-19 allows people to do whatever, still, he isn't a party guy.  Wife has a good job, I just wish she could find one closer to bring her home.  The shutdown in the spring had her home long enough to remind me of what it is like to have a partner around all the time and man, it is nice having someone to help carry the load on the daily.

    We really don't have much of a social life again because of the virus, but Girlie checks in once or twice a week, DD lives here right now and he certainly lives an interesting life.  I talk with my folks 1-3 times a week normally to stay updated, not that they are doing anything right now too.  Wife keeps tabs on her family as well.  It seems that 2020 is just a shit year we are all just trying to get through and hope for the better.  I am almost scared to come into 2021, finally get a vaccine only to find out we lost the malls, and half the retail options as more and more choose to just sell their wares online.  But hey, I guess we are a versatile species and for whatever thing we loose in one end, someone always invents something better in the other.

    Right now, I am just happy to be alive another year, hoping for a sense of normalcy sometime soon.  I have had a blessed life up to this point and if it is up to me, I want to keep this show going for as long as possible.  There is still so much to be excited for in the future: boys graduating, grandkids, a second home, seeing my boys buy their homes, buying boats (plural), buying land, Rolexes for every appendage (at least 5-6, if I count my neck too) :) , and other stuff I haven't even thought about.

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