Saturday, August 22, 2020

8/22/20 My Bubble Did Not Fit In With A Box? (part 2 of 5)

     My first call was actually to Wife, she is my rock and always seems to know the right thing to say, even if she is not fast enough for my feelings at times.  She told me quietly, she was in her office, that she would get Boy and get on the road, unless I wanted her to wait for more of an update.  I know I called her point blank and she didn't even know what hospital or where to go and she was processing what I had just said, but of course I am emotional and upset and only managed to yell "fuck, stay and work if that is more important, goddammit!!"  I then immediately took it back and said something like I don't know where she is going, but I will let you know as soon as I hear.  I know Wife is just like me, we hate leaving work and abandoning our path, but when we have to, she does not hesitate to do the right thing, specially for me.

    By this time, I was already home picking up Javalina and getting a cord to charge my phone in the car as I figured this was going to be a long night.  We got going, stopping for gas and a drink before jumping on I-35, fucking traffic sucks on that highway most of the time, but specially during rush hour.  My brother called and told me mom was headed to BAMC, like I am a lifelong ARMY dude and understand acronyms, then said Brooke Army Medical Center.  He was trying to read me the directions to which I cut him off and said "Dude, my car and phone have navigation, I can figure it out."  See you there in a couple hours.  five minutes later, I had the same conversation with my sister, even though they both drove to SA together.  It is a raw helpless feeling when you don't know anything.

    It didn't help hearing my brother describe the situation, if anybody is a glass is half empty, it is this guy.  He tells me "I was going to take a picture of mom, but it didn't even look like her, I just couldn't."  Well that didn't make me feel any better, but deep down I thought "this guy always makes shit sound worse, but maybe..."  on the drive I had a pretty good conversation with Javalina, what else can you do, keep your mind going so you don't break down and cry, at times like this, we have to be strong for the others.  I got him going on the comedy of George Carlin which we had heard on Youtube while I was making lunch for us.  I told him he is one of the top 3 comedians of all time, you need to know his stuff, then he went on to shit on the conservative party which I only recently proclaimed to now be a part of.  I explained how the democratic party had imploded in the last few years, they had swung to far to the left and all this socialist agenda is just bullshit.  The conservative party was shitty too, relying on the bible for their message and that used to turn me off.  Trump, for his faults, rarely espouses the bible, which is the way it should be.

    Conversing and hearing Javalina's take on things helped the time pass by real quickly, as I have said, I have been having trouble getting sleepy at weird times, but I was fine the whole way.  Just as I was fixing to say "look up the hospital on your phone's navigation, I saw a sign that said next exit.  I jumped over a few lanes and exited.  This facility is huge and I mean biggest complex I have ever stared at, probably.  Like I said, the Army does not fuck around, damn that is a smooth running machine, it makes me proud to see those men and women walking around knowing they protect us.

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