Friday, August 21, 2020

8/21/20 My Bubble Did Not Fit In With A Box? (part 1 of 5)

     Life has a way of getting in the way of the best laid plans.  I had been contemplating Wednesday in the afternoon, after talking with my mom.  Oooh, I love my mom, but she can be a challenge to understand.  I called her around 11:00am, Wife is back at work and for this week and next, Boy is going with her to volunteer and help get their computers for the student population going.  Well, that is where everything started.  Boy told Wife to tell me to ask grandma if she would make her burgers for dinner on Tuesday.  Simple request, but I guess Boy is uncomfortable demanding anything directly from Grandma, even though she would bend over backwards for her first grandson.  Anyways, I called her and asked, simple, no problem, my mom will make whatever for dinner, she said consider it done, but then she tears into me how she was all upset because her baby (Boy, she calls all her grandkids hers, which I like) did not go see her Monday.  I retort back "well, it was you that said you were uncomfortable with us visiting randomly when we have seen other people here in Austin and we could be carriers of Covid-19 and all that.  Wife was simply doing as she said."  Then my mom was all "don't use my words against me."  He's my first grandbaby and if he is in town, I want to see him and hug him..."  I was like "grrrr!"

    Anyways, we go back and forth all the time, that is fine, it is part of the fun to argue with her like that.  I then sat here and thought well, we are in like a perfect situation, all we do is go to work, come back home, go to work, come back home, then once a week we go get groceries and this routine is working, I don't think we are exposing ourselves too much "compared to her telling me that we live in the big city, so we have a much higher chance of getting infected..."  I mean what can one do, other than be careful.  I then showered and got ready for work, and was on my way out the door by 3:45pm.  This is super early for me, but it is a short week, this was my last night of the week and as I like to say, the earlier I start, the earlier I can get my fat ass home and start the weekend, and this is my birthday weekend, so I got plans, as small as they are (because of Covid-19, of course).  I was on my way to work, jamming to the Blend on XM radio, I love those old mellow classics.

    This is about when the shit hit the ceiling, my brother in law called on my sister's phone, I was like "what up?"  he usually calls me when he is on a long drive to kill the boredom, and he can be funny and always has jokes about the family.  But he was serious and said that my mom had fallen in the house and hit her face pretty hard on the edge of the bed on the wooden frame.  All you can respond to that is "what???!!"  Yeah, she tripped on a box going around the corner into her room and somehow didn't catch herself and hit her face, well they decided to fly her to San Antonio because her face has swelled up a lot, and my sister wanted me to know that her and my two brothers were driving to SA.  All I could muster was a "fuck, I'll call in and head that way.  Thanks."

FUCK!!!! What can you do?  I pulled into a gas station, I had been on I-35 driving to work, and started making my calls.  I called my coworkers, then I called Javalina to shower quickly, none of that hour playing with your balls or whatever you do in there, and be ready in about ten minutes when I get home for you.  Forget all that nonsense of staying in my routine and not exposing myself to a different population, we were headed to an Army hospital, Brooke Army Medical Center in San Antonio.  Dammit, it is scary when you don't know how bad things are and you just have to sit there and wait for the experts, God, I love that we have experts and modern day doctors, any faith I might have, it is in these people that sacrifice their lives to understanding the human body and basically perform magic to bring people back from the brink.  If they can piece together a soldier that steps on a landmine, they can surely handle my mom tripping on a fucking box and hitting her face on a piece of wood.

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