Thursday, August 27, 2020

8/27/20 Sometimes Plans Get Made For You?

     For about a week and a half, Wife was all "where do you want to go for your birthday, what do you want to do?  We discussed going out to eat and if it was a normal year and not 2020 I would have said "let's go have dinner at Estancia, the Brazilian restaurant I love so much."  Wife said we could still do that, but we had to call ahead and make reservations.  The thought of going and paying so much to eat someplace where we might get sick just worries me a bit.  I then suggested just grilling and swimming in the pool at the house.  "ok" she says, "but what kind of meat do you want (the boys did buy me a new grill which I haven't had a chance to test yet)?"  I know she means well, but the questions never stop.  We had kind of settled on those tomahawk steaks we've been seeing lately, like a ribeye with a huge bone, they look like a tomahawk axe, sort of.  They are also not as expensive as some of the other meats out there.  We went to Central Market and they had Wagyu steaks at $47.99 a pound, fuck that!

    Well, my mom falling two days before changed all of Wife's best laid plans in an instant.  It almost seemed like we were going to be able to just sit and home and wait for a message from the hospital for her to get released.  We went to San Antonio Thursday and sat out in the visitor center parking lot by the hospital, I mean what else could we do, and hung there for 2-3 hours before the nurse looking over her got back with us and said they didn't know when she would be let go home.  It all depended on her swelling and of they felt like she could breath safely on her own.  Friday morning, I get up early to write some of these blogs, I did have plenty of material, and then the doctor called me and said she would be good to go home.  

    I talked to my sister and told her I wasn't sure.  I said mom would love to see us, but then we increase the exposure and she is always worried we could be carrying Covid-19, her words like all the time.  My mom then called me and I asked her.  She said it would be nice if she saw us, so I said ok, now that I hear it from you.  We went and bought a cake for my birthday and headed to Crystal City.  The drive was great, I managed to drive the whole way, which for me to stay awake is like wow.  I have been sleeping a lot better since I started sleeping on the big chairs in our room for parts of the night.  I don't seem to have to get up to pee every two hours when I sleep on the chair which is probably letting me get more REM sleep.

    We got to my folk's home probably ten minutes ahead of my sister with my mom.  

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