Tuesday, August 25, 2020

8/25/20 My Bubble Did Not Fit In With A Box? (Part 5 of 5)

    After hearing that mom was going to be alright, the doctor said they would have an update in the morning.  We were still over in the visitor center and although we could see the hospital and if she were to be in one of the rooms with a window facing us and she could somehow wave at us, there was zero chance we would be able to go and be with her any closer than we were, so what else can you do?  I told my siblings we can either stand around here like mooks for another hour, go eat dinner together, or head back home.  My older brother said it didn't feel right to just leave, I said I know, but it's not like we can be with her.  My sister said she wasn't comfortable going to eat and they had just eaten on the road.  We probably hung outside for another hour just catching up and joking around.  Wife and Boy finally got there at this point.  Everybody hugged it out and we busted Boy's balls for awhile, I mean it's what we do for fun after all.
    We decided we would come back tomorrow on the chance that maybe one of us would be allowed in.  They started making fun that I wouldn't come, remember, I am the outsider from the big city, and I responded back that just for that, I would beat them there and I would go in so mom would know who is #1, just joking of course.  I know my sister has to be the one going in, if only one of us is allowed in.  We left, Boy took my little Ecosport with Javalina, and I jumped in with Wife.  The trip back home was quick, and it was kind of late.  We talked of stopping for food, but Wife was tired and before we knew it I called the boys that Mama said they could eat leftovers.  We are dieting, so she didn't eat and I just had a yogurt with fruit.  We had decided to get up at 9:00am to leave by 10:00am and we did, but the boys did not go.
    We got to the hospital again earlier than them and we went to sign in.  This time we talked to a young female Hispanic guard who I thought was just pretty.  Not in a perverted way, but her braided hair was so feminine and yet the army gear on her thick frame made her look like the best version of a female warrior I could think of.  Wife thought the same thing as we walked out of the building both complimenting her hair and thanking her.  She showed us a letter stating that as of that morning, no one could go visit anyone in the hospital unless it was for the NICU (babies) or for picking someone up if they were getting released so there was no point in wasting any more of their time.
    We went outside, I had called my brother inside the waiting area and he said they were there but he really needed to go to a bathroom.  I told him just get here and use the one here, it is super clean, but he took another half hour as he decided to go elsewhere.  They eventually got there and we just kind of sat in his truck for about 2-3 hours talking, my sister called three times over the course of two hours up to the number before we got the nurse working in mom's room for an update.  She told us they were getting ready to remove the breathing tube and she had been able to answer questions even though she was sedated.  We wanted to do more, but really, all we did was sit in the parking lot for a few hours and then headed home.

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