Friday, August 7, 2020

8/7/20 Getting Ready To Take Wife's Supplies To Crystal City?

     Today (Thursday) was a day of preparations.  I started early in the day waking up worried about which vehicle to take for the trip towing a trailer.  I decided the Telluride would be a better choice, considering Wife now has the Ecosport to run in back and forth.  I wasn't even sure if it had a connection for a trailer, but luckily, it did.  I looked up the towing capacity and that is 5000lbs for this vehicle.  We are only carrying a bed and some chairs, so the weight shouldn't be a problem.  The vehicle was dirty, so I took it in to H2O Wash and took care of that.  I then went home and waited until the right time, in the afternoon to go get the trailer.  I was kind of dozing off, even after having my cup of coffee.  I ate my yogurt and eventually my fruit.  At this point, I went upstairs to shower and I was thinking of a nap.  Javalina then reminded me I had to take him to his school between 2:00pm and 6:00pm, according to him to drop off some school books.  We did that and then headed to Cabela's to kill a little time, getting the U-Haul at 3:00 or 4:00 would have been too early.

    We looked around and Javalina convinced me to walk away from the guns if I am not really buying one and they don't have something I really want, I don't know what I really want.  We then looked around the jerky making equipment, I want to be able to make the sausage they mention, but Cabela's equipment is just too expensive, compared to Academy.  This then led us towards the fishing gear which got Javalina saying he wanted to go fishing and see if he likes it.  We then left closer to 5:00pm.  We got the U-Haul and took it home and started filling it with the things we planned on taking to Wife's new apartment.  First off, I stopped at Mattress Firm and bought a Queen box spring, we already had the mattress at home, and I added the base, so the bed would be off the floor.  By the time we got home, Wife was already there.  We loaded the matress, followed by a chair that was not being used anymore, it is a chair that opens up to a twin bed, like a futon, but Boy does not need it anymore, since Sweetie lives with him and boys don't come over to sleep anymore.

    After Wife found a small lamp to take and towels and stuff, we went to Lowe's to buy a lock to lock the back of the U-Haul.  I own a handful of locks, but I could not find any of them.  I thought we were just getting a lock, but Wife about filled the basket with a trash can and all sorts of cleaning supplies including a Swiffer mop and even light bulbs for a second little lamp.  We then headed home and made it an early night, we got chicken and saw a movie recommended by Boy, Jojo Rabbit, a movie I had heard about during the previews of something else and forgotten about.  It was silly and sad, set at the end of WWII and looking at a young German boy growing up in those times.

After the movie, we were up in bed before midnight, knowing we were planning on leaving around 8:00am, I didn't even complain, this was part of the reason I got up super early and made myself busy all day, so I would sleep easy all night.

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