Monday, August 10, 2020

8/10/20 Why Should We Look After Motorcyclists?

     Every time I hear this stupid PSA (Public Service Announcement) about watching out for motorcyclists on the road it pisses me off because they have very little regard for their own safety.  Pretty much any day you go out on the freeway, you will see some motorcycle pass you and go do stupid shit ahead of you trying to sway through traffic a good 30 miles per hour faster than everybody.  I am not talking about the older Harley types, they are usually too cool to put themselves in danger, but the younger people driving around with more horsepower than brain cells sure will test the ability of their ride not realizing they are the weakest link on that bike.

    It is not that all of a sudden I am a gun fanatic, but I believe it is the same theory, motorcycles don't kill people, stupid people driving like stupid assholes kill people.  I have had discussions with my favorite agitator at work, Monster Energy Drink who drives a bike daily in nice weather, and he always claims I don't know what I am talking about, that he never breaks the law on his bike.  He also defends those idiots that put "glasspack" mufflers which I think is what causes them to be annoyingly loud.  He told me the mufflers is to ensure we (the people in cars and trucks) see them and hopefully not run them over.  I maintain they are just another piece to add to their "look at me, I need attention" mentality.

    I was going to write about this a couple days ago after hearing yet another round of that annoying PSA about us drivers in cars to look out for bikers in our rearview, but why?  Shouldn't they be more vigilant, it is their lives, they should care more.  This is Texas and to my knowledge it is illegal to cut between traffic by driving on the dashed lines.  Wife (who spends a lot more time on the road) has said she has had a few close encounters where she was going to slide into another lane while traffic is moving slow only to see a motorcyclist coming between the cars and trucks slowly waiting on whatever has stopped traffic.  She even says she argued with a teacher or administrator one time about him doing that and getting mad that people weren't letting him get away with it and Wife told him it was because it was illegal here and he didn't believe it, he was from California.  Regardless, I was just reminded of the stupid PSA as I saw a video on Youtube of two motorcycles once again driving like assholes cutting through traffic and suddenly the bike in the back got too close to the lead bike and once they touched wheels, the biker in the back lost control and fell of a bridge portion of road something like 35feet.  Who do we blame here?  I think the dummy driving faster than he had to is the one to blame.

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