Sunday, August 16, 2020

8/17/20 Too Hot For A Sunday?

     I usually wake up early on the weekends, but I hadn't the last two days.  Today (Sunday), I said screw it and got out of bed at 7:30am.  It helped that we wore ourselves out Saturday running around to the different places looking for a grill and phones and other stuff, Wife and I were in our rooms by 11:00pm and probably asleep by midnight, our bellies full of too much BBQ meat.  Part of the reason I got up so early is that Boy actually went ahead and pulled the plug and went and got the grill I had said would be good.  I was shocked and pleased and by the gesture, I guess Mijo is becoming a man of action.  This thing weighed over 250 pounds in the box and I asked him who loaded it for them.  I mean the grill weighs more than Boy and Sweetie combined, but they said they got it in the back of his Edge by themselves.

    Last night, I had brought it inside and left the box in the middle of the living room, tempted to open it, but just too exhausted to get going.  Instead, I took it easy, we ate our BBQ and jumped in the pool for about an hour, it is a lot nicer at night without the sun beating you up.  But after my cup of coffee I tore into the box and it was packed tight and heavy.  I was just thinking it was going to suck as I put on the first screws down on the bottom, my knees are bad, so it seemed easier to lay on my stomach, but this meant it would take forever.  Just then DD came out of the room, took the dog out to pee and told me he would help me in a second.  It made it so much easier, I read the instructions and guided and helped lift this and that, but he did all the work.  After finishing, well, it was actually missing a handle, more on that later, I realized I had everything but pellets.  Wife came down just then and I already knew we were going to go to Target to get things for her new "apartment", so we headed out.

    We went to Academy and I loaded up with four big bags of pellets to try different "flavors", such as apple wood, and mesquite wood and some others.  We then went to Target and Wife spent about an hour (felt like three because I wasn't getting anything for me) getting things like a new mini coffee maker, a new hairdryer, iron, new make-up, some storage things and little rugs to put by the bed and stuff like that.  Of course it is 107 or hotter and that just drains you.  We got back and I organized our back patio to fit the new grill about where the old one was and moving the old one kind of in a 45 degree angle next to it.  Finally,  was able to fire it up and for about 5 minutes, nothing seemed to be happening.  It is a pellet grill with a hopper on the side, and there is an auger that turns and feeds pellets to the middle of the bottom area of the grill where they are burned.  I guess it just takes awhile for the pellets to move along, but eventually it started smoking and smelling.  I tried the apple pellets and Man!, it smelled like mild clean smoke, not as strong as our normal mesquite infused charcoal.  The instructions said to "burn-in" the grill to clean it of the oils and stuff used for shipping and assembly.  The whole grill got hot, over 400 degrees according to the readout for 30 minutes, then I turned it off.

    While that was going on, Wife heated up some leftover meat with eggs which we ate for lunch, then jumped in the pool while the sun was still out, maybe it was 4-5pm.  I literally started falling asleep in the water, between the heat and getting up too early and being tired from yesterday, we just went upstairs and I fell asleep in my wet clothes sitting on the ottoman waiting for Wife to finish in the bathroom.  I awoke at 8:00pm, all stiff, everything hurt, Wife helped me up, I showered and basically came down to see what I could do after sitting with her until 9:15pm.  She went to bed, I got a couple loads going in the wash, took out the trash the boys insisted didn't fit in the trash can, then put away the dishes to clean the kitchen a bit.  These +100 degree days need to end, like now, seriously, they freaking suck.

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