Friday, August 14, 2020

8/14/20 You Da Man, Mr. President?

     It has taken awhile, but I slowly came around on this guy.  Trump is like the Dark Knight, maybe not the hero we want but the hero we deserve.  He embodies us and pretty much represents us in the best way possible.  Early in his presidency, he called the countries of Africa shithole nations and the world lost its mind, but really what was wrong about what he said?  We have all thought this, I mean why hasn't Africa got its shit together, everyone says it's the birthplace of humanity?  Where are the cars or computers or anything modern developed by the African countries?  I don't think the President was that far off the mark when he said what he said.  Any one of us would like to go there for a safari, but hardly any of us would like to go there to live permanently.

    I don't think any liberal has one good thing to say about Trump, but he seems to be the first republican president in a long time that hasn't managed to get us into a war with anyone.  Has everybody forgotten that usually when we get a new republican president, we get a new war?  How refreshing was it to hear this president telling the rest of the world to take care of your own, and we will take care of ours?  I know that since WWII, we have been the de facto world police, but what do we get out of this?  I don't think the world appreciates what we do and even as we manage to feed the poor and dying, they just turn around and denounce us not as heroes, but as imperialists and nation builders.  I think it is high time that they can all suck it.  I love that we are in a time, technically, when we are not at war with the outside world.

    Now, internally, I don't think it can last much longer, these idiots in Portland and Seattle and other liberal bastions, let them eat cake.  Defund your police, turn over those once beautiful successful cities to the socialists so the idiots in charge can see the mess looming just within grasp.  I know it will fail miserably, there is no way those societies can survive without law and order.  Once all the adults (you know, the ones that pay for shit) move out, what will be left?  Companies are slowly moving away from liberal nirvanas as the realization starts to come into focus.  It will be awesome when Trump finally comes through and cleans these shithole cities like a fat man taking a good laxative and all this ANTIFA and BLM and any other groups with initials just disappear.

And by the way, when he said "grabbing them by the p**sy", he thought he was talking man to man, that should have never gotten out.  That is in fact how men talk amongst each other, we just clean it up in front of the ladies.  There had to have been a beta male ratting out the men.  Fucking Billy Bush, acts like a man in the bus laughing it up with Trump talking about legs and shit, then turns on him saying Trump said this and that.  Please, any group of guys would admit to talking much worse if we were honest.  

This president shit talks like the best of us, takes stabs at people, we all do it, but usually in the privacy of our own homes.  He is in his 70's and a billionaire, why should he tiptoe around for anyone?  He speaks his mind like an old man, is easily distracted at boring meetings, like a teenage girl with her phone in hand, would rather be out golfing than in the office, like any normal dude, and he does the job for free, who would do that?

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