Thursday, August 20, 2020

8/20/20 Pro Sports Just Got Real?

     What do these idiots think, ah shit, I forget, they're athletes, they don't?  I find it hard enough to watch millionaires playing kids games on TV without any loyalty to the teams that make them rich nowadays.  Fucking Lebron has been all over the NBA, like a high dollar whore, playing for the highest bidder, so it is hard to be proud of "your team" when players aren't.  I used to follow the Spurs, and players like Robinson and Duncan were Spurs, period.  You could count on your superstar being there good and bad.  This league is not what I grew up watching, and this big cry baby can't seem to take a hit on the court.  Shit, back in the day, I remember a Pistons player, Laimbeer, playing with a mask because he had broken bones in his face, Robinson would be laid on the floor stretching his back right before coming back on the floor, now Lebron flails like a modern day soccer player, fuck that.

    So there is all that lameness going on, then the NBA decides to listen to BLM.  This BS of putting "woke" slogans on jerseys, little messages on the floors and fields, football players are going to have decals on their helmets.  Have fun with that.  Remember, the soy boys marching and fighting (and by looking at the riots, it is mostly white people out there) were never fans of pro sports.  I believe pro sports are entertainment for conservatives.  Who has the money to buy $200-$500 tickets for games?  It ain't the unemployables stinking it up out there in Portland and Seattle.  It is the quiet conservative people watching this shit disgustingly from their 70 inch TVs at home.  My lawyer brother will buy expensive tickets for baseball games in Houston and Dallas, my poor friends here in town will scam their way into Longhorn games by "volunteering" and cleaning up.  Who do you think provides the money for those fat contracts y'all get to enjoy?  It ain't the poor screaming for free health care and free college, those socialists can't afford basic services, you think they are planning family trips to pro games?

    The best thing for Pro sports is for them jocks to put on their big boy undies and just play ball and focus on hookers or whatever entertains you on the side.  Nobody cares about your politics, not even the BLM people.  Look at the people trying to side with them, the mayor of Portland, the mayor of Chicago, the idiot mayor in Seattle.  All those a-holes got bit by the monster they encouraged and created.  Those cities are now in shambles and for what?  If people tune out completely from pro sports, who is going to pay you millions of dollars in the future?  Shit, nobody is watching right now and we are all supposed to be home semi-quarantining.  How many people would watch if there was no virus and people could go out and see friends and go to the movies and out to restaurants.  You currently have no competition and can't score more than 1.5 million viewers a game?  Maybe Netflix is more powerful than I know and they are taking your viewers.  Idiots!

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