Wednesday, August 5, 2020

8/5/20 The Lady In Red?

    I somewhat feel bad for Wife, but she is actually being a normal female finally, so maybe not so much?  It's funny I just heard the song Lady In Red last night at work, and I was thinking back to the 80s, being in a school dance or something with a DJ and slow dancing with Wife to that slow cheesy song.  Back then, she was husky, today people would say thick, either way, she was all kinds of all right to me.  I have always liked my women with some meat on them bones, and Wife has always been more than a snack, she was a whole family pack.  It was all good, for about six years, then along came Boy.
    Wife put on the baby weight and after Boy was born, I would joke "is there still another one in there?"  Seeing it on paper, I see that I was being kind of a Dick, but she laughed too, so no harm no foul.  I've always been a fat fucker, so it's not like there was a reason to try and loose the weight to impress me, plus we both like eating out and often.  The weight has kind of crept up over the years, I had managed to lose about 80-90 pounds in college when I was starving and eating the bare minimum.
    Then I got the good job and was introduced to better restaurants like Outback and I just fell in love with the good life and overindulgence.  I guess Wife did too, but honestly, I don't know how Wife put on weight.  She doesn't really like sodas, and prefers to drink water all day long.  She doesn't like sweets, if there is a cake, I will eat 70 percent, the boys 20 percent and she might have a slice.  Same with Mexican pan dulce "sweetbreads", if I buy a bag to fill a bowl, I will eat 90 percent of the pieces, Boy might eat a piece and Javalina too, if it is fresh.  Even regular food, she will quickly give me some portion of her plate after I gulp mine down and look at her with sad eyes like "you gonna finish that?"
    For over a month now, maybe even going on two months, we have been doing a variation of Atkins or Keto or whatever you call eating a low carb menu.  We have both lost a good amount of weight, although I am currently on another plateau, I am happy to be below 400, when I started at 432.  I won't mention Wife's weight because that is not popular to do, but she was up in offensive lineman territory when we started and she has come down to maybe a heavy linebacker size.  This is good, for both of us, I feel better walking around and she says she does too.  The only problem is that she started her monthly thing, which because of her weight, she had not had to worry about it.  This has been our birth control since Javalina was born, I know it's not popular to say, but I have never liked using protection, it is a miracle we only have two kids.  If we continue our ways of eating like we are, we could keep losing weight and her monthly period is really going to be a thing to plan our lives around and shit.

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