Thursday, August 13, 2020

8/13/20 Monthly Diet Update?

     I am almost surprised we are all still going strong on our diets.  It helps that Covid-19 is keeping us mostly at home and there are so many more choices out there now, at the store.  I am happy to say I broke below 400 and am now weighing 393 as of a couple hours ago.  That means I have lost 39 pounds, mostly by cutting out carbs and sticking to the diet.  My joints are hurting less and I am now starting to add lifting weights again.  I have always enjoyed doing this, since I discovered weightlifting in college and it helps that Javalina is interested in them, so now I keep a bench in the family room.

    The worst (but secretly best) part of the day is getting to work where I have to walk about a half mile to get to my lab from the parking lot.  I am not sure if it is that long, but a coworker said she measured a mile going back and forth, but walking that distance with the sun up and the temperature over 100 degrees just sucks badly.  I used to limp and even stop, but now I can walk it normally and just complain about the heat, not so much the distance, so that is good.  I say best because that is about as much exercise as I get, I know I should be doing more and I will, I am just being slow to add things.

    As I said earlier, Wife has lost enough weight to start her period once again.  We had kind of been using her heavy weight as birth control, knowing that if she did not have a period monthly, she was not going to get preggers.  Now that she did have one last week, I have to rethink my priorities.  I have never been good with condoms and pulling out led to Boy, she said I need to consider the ole snip snip, I say "Let's try the back door."  Just kidding, but not really.  Either way, we are in our late 40's and shouldn't be trying to have more kids, not that I was trying with the two that I do have.

    This is about where we have fallen apart on our dieting.  Last time, I got down to about 390 and then the birthdays started and cake and I just gave up.  This year, at least we are not going to the in-laws for birthday cakes or having my parents come up and going out to eat all the time, so maybe we can keep it going longer.  My immediate goal was to get down to around 350, but knowing my brother is around 330, I want to get there, as a major goal.  I don't know, my birthday is next week and Wife is already trying to make plans.  My best thought to incorporate some cake is to go get a few cupcakes at Central Market so we can't overindulge.  Everyone just gets a cupcake and that is it.

    Anyways, it is almost 1:00pm on Thursday, I need to go lift weights since I am writing on here that I am doing that again.  We'll see how I am doing in another month.

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