Saturday, August 29, 2020

8/29/20 Why Are People Jerks Online?

     It seems every couple years a new app comes out for our phones, which at this point I am starting to think the phones are getting smarter than most of the people using them.  We went from Facebook which is fine but seems permanent and for some reason the app of choice for the older folks.  Then we moved to Instagram, which was very picture driven, then Snapchat, which I think is used mostly by girls to sell pictures and videos of themselves as sexual objects.  Fine by me, but seems expensive when Pornhub and Youporn are free.  The latest app right now is TikTok and I am a huge fan.  This app lets people download or create minute long videos of them doing whatever their creative minds allow.  Of course, probably 80 percent of the videos are girls dancing to the same 4-5 songs and that is fine, but if you just keep scrolling up, you do find good content.  I don't get tired of the dancing jiggling girls, and the fact that bras seem to be on the way out is great, but I also like a lot of the comedy bits different people put out.  Then there are the animal videos, who knew tortoises could be so cool to look at?

    I got a little off topic, my point of contention is why are people jerks when they don't have to be?  I see what I would define as a perfect female, and to me that is a woman with a little meat on her bones and in the comments section within the first 10 comments there will always be a "fat" comment.  Why?  If I see someone I am not interested in, I just scroll past, why invest energy in being a negative asshole?  Most of the time, these people attacked then make "sad little videos" of them addressing the jerk's comments and how it hurts their feelings.  Don't give them the satisfaction, tell them to suck your "balls" and keep going.  I am really happy when someone gets negative comments and it doesn't bring them down.  I saw one where a lady with a glass eye got a comment that one of her eyes was "lazy".  She addressed it by sitting down and proclaiming that she hates laziness and if her eye was going to be lazy "it has got to go" and right at that moment, she flicked the glass eye out.  It was so awesome the way she basically said "fuck you" to the commenter.

    Really guys, if you prefer looking at more muscular women, as I read in another person's comment attacking the attacker "go look at dudes, you'll get all the muscles you want."  Women are supposed to be soft and huggable, I don't know where the idea that a woman is supposed to be as muscular as a man comes from.  But hey, if a super muscular woman does pop onscreen, I wouldn't say "ooh, gross!", there can be beauty there too, but either way, I see no point to putting out negative energy.  I make occasional comments, mostly on Facebook, even to people I have never met, but it is always with a positive spin.  People put content out to entertain us, like TV, if we don't like something, we live in the US, we are free to just watch something else.

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