Tuesday, August 4, 2020

8/4/20 Fixing A Flat Tire?

    I was too excited to take the car for a real test drive at night, once the sun went down.  We got home about 7:00pm, ate the brisket and sausage Wife had put in the oven early in the day and then jumped in the pool since I had gone through the trouble of cleaning and making it look nice for the boys Javalina had sleeping over.  We were in the pool for over an hour late at night, from around 10:30 to almost midnight or so.  We then came in, showered and Wife thought we were done, but I told her "nah, let's go run around."  She complained that she was going to go in her pajamas, and I said no problem.  We took off, noticed it has that Stop/Start technology which I don't really like as it feels like it won't come back on when I step on the gas.
    It handles well enough on the freeway and the lights are good enough although Wife liked having those super bright LED lights and these are just normal headlights, but they do the job.  I was attempting to show my first world problem of how far we park from our lab and where I have to walk through  but the stupid low tire pressure indicator came on telling me the rear passenger tire was low.  Wife instantly panicked and told me to head home.  She didn't even want me to get on the highway, so we had to come through every light from work to home, and that is a pain in the ass.
    This morning (Sunday), I got up and remembered I needed to take care of the tire, so I looked up which places were open.  The only place that seemed to be open that looked legit was Firestone and lucky for me, there is one five minutes from the house.  I went over and was surprised at how many people were there for Sunday services.  I was told it would be about two hours before they could get to me.  What choice do I have, I said "fine."
    They almost took the two hours and I could do nothing but sit and watch their TV programming.  At least it was semi interesting with a Ford truck restoration and then an episode of American Pickers.  I got there about 10:00am and my car went into the bay around 11:50am.  The guy almost took off the wrong tire to fix as I was looking at him and wondering "what are you doing?"  He then went and looked at the paperwork, figure his mistake and put the bolts back on.  He finally took off the "bad" tire but he didn't find anything wrong with it.  I saw him spray the soapy water on it, then he took it over to take the tire off the rim, he said he ran his fingers all the way on the inside and found nothing.  He gave the other three tires a check to see if they were leaking and found nothing wrong.  I was surprised there was no charge for the work, he still spent a good half hour taking the tire off and checking all the way, not that I am complaining.  But without a clear reason for the low tire pressure indicator going off, then what caused it?  I don't know, I just hope it isn't a lingering problem going forward.

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