Sunday, March 8, 2020

3/8/20 Daylight Savings Time Snuck In On Us?

    Usually, there isn't anything interesting going on and the news outlets get to focus on this stupid little time change game we have decided to punish ourselves with for no reason.  This year, though, people are scared out of their minds with the coronavirus that the media forgot to make their usual big deal about it.  We went to bed last night not thinking or hearing about it and everything was fine.  We both fell asleep on one of our big chairs in our bedroom but Wife woe and moved to the bed before me.  I was pleasantly surprised to wake up at 2:20am, having slept probably 3-3.5 hours, awesome when I barely sleep 1-2 hours at a time as I am up peeing all night.  I then got the idea to sit and watch TV/sleep some more and maybe see if I would go another 3 hours before waking to pee.  I turned on the TV and it felt weird when on HGTV they were giving infomercials.  I know they have programming until 3:00am, I watch all the time.  I changed the channel and realized that the clock on the TV was an hour ahead, hmm.
    I looked on FB, for all the busy bodies who like to repeat useless information, but nobody had any info on the time change, it's like people forgot about it, and nobody needs it, but here we are, my stove in the kitchen says 7:27am, but the laptop says 8:27am.  Thanks farmers, the whole 2-3% of America that does this for a living still making this a thing.  Anyways, I did manage to fall asleep on the chair for another round and woke at 5:50am.  Another 3.5 hour block of sleep, I should be sleeping in a sitting position.  To check if it was the night, I laid down in the bed after I went pp and woke at 6:55am needing to pee again.  Technically, it was fixing to be 8:00am, so I got up.  I do enjoy getting up when the house is quiet and write or even just get on the computer without any sense of urgency.
    This should be a good week, Wife is off and so far so good.  Friday we took Javalina and his friends out to eat at Chicken Express.  We were going to go to Chili's, but it was packed, so we headed to Kyle instead. We had a little burp of an incident at Target.  The boys took off to get snacks and separated from us and ended up in the toy section.  An employee gave them a little crap for "kicking" a ball which just as my son was denying another of the little idiots kicked it right by my son's head.  The employee saw me talking to them and asked if I was a parent to any of them and I said yeah.  He ratted them out in a hurry and I had to act like the mean father telling them to go back and clean whatever mess they had made.  To lighten the mood after, I talked tough and told them to walk by holding on to each others hands and one of them to hold the basket for a couple minutes.  They were not being malicious or disrespectful, they just caught being silly and a little stupid.
    Saturday was even better as we just laid around the house most of the day.  We didn't go out until 7:00pm and only because Javalina had to go to Hobby Lobby to buy supplies for a diorama.  We came back home and ate all sorts of leftovers from the week.  I had made spaghetti, there were two uncooked chicken breasts which Wife cooked and added to some veggies Boy and Sweetie had made and there was a bucket of chicken enchiladas.  We ate and cleaned out the fridge pretty good which sent us to bed early.

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