Monday, March 16, 2020

3/16/20 Corona Madness?

    Well, Corona might be the real deal that swine flu only dreamed of.  Spring breaks are getting extended all over (except for Wife, because that would help us) the state.  Javalina got Friday off, add to that he was at his track meet on Thursday and left with us around 2:00pm and he is on an extended spring break too.
    I got out Friday morning and decided to be the good parent and stop at Target to see what kind of food and supplies I could find.  I bought a good $200 worth of "snacks" as I was told by Wife later,  Still, I grabbed a couple cases of water, Gatorades and other stuff I thought would be eaten in a few days.  There was no toilet paper, no hand sanitizer, soups, or much meats or chicken to stock up on.  I then went home and put everything away.  I managed to sleep 4-5 hours, then got up with Wife to go shopping correctly for food that will last us a few weeks.  We didn't have much luck, we then tried another Target for toilet paper and again, nada.
    As the day progressed, it just seems like the world is getting smaller.  Javalina had a thought of going to Fiesta Texas, thinking not a lot of people will be there, but just as we said "no, Crazy!"  Wife looked up their hours and saw that Friday was the last day they would be open until sometime in April.  Same thing with Sea World.  It seems everyone is playing it safe, so the best thing to do is go home.
    If anything, we are going to get a lot of sleep and rest in.  I spent most of the rest of Friday in a daze of napping and eating.  Pretty much this continued into Saturday.  Wife finally stayed up late, we attempted to watch a show on Netflix, but I slept through most of it.  Wife hung in there until 3:30am or so.  I thought since I had slept most of the evening Friday and thru most of the show, I would be able to get up at 8:00am and start my day early.  I wrote half a blog and fell asleep at the kitchen table with half a cup of coffee next to me.  I finally went and just laid down in our guest room downstairs.  I don't like that Wife needs a completely blacked out room and everything turned off.  I turned the TV on to HGTV and fell asleep.  I didn't wake until almost 2:00pm and Wife was midway through making breakfast.
    I then talked to my mom and she suggested that we don't go down there because she is trying to quarantine my dad since he is the family "weakest link".  I thought that was a bit of a stretch but I had a feeling we were going to get there.  It doesn't help that cases are now reported here in Austin and in San Marcos, so it is all around us now.  My dad is only concerned with going to his little illegal casinos, so who knows how good a quarantine he is being kept in.

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