Sunday, March 29, 2020

3/29/20 Good Productive Day?

    Some days you just feel brand new and you hit all those chores you have been ignoring.  I woke up like that this morning.  I woke up early, wrote my blog for the day and kept doing a bunch of little nothing jobs that added together make a pretty good difference.  This all started with one of my pantry doors loosing the locking mechanism at the top of the door that keeps it closed.  I had changed it once before, so I knew what it entailed.  There is a big metal ball the size of a marble up there with a spring that pushes up on it.  The old one lost whatever kept it as a unit, but I was able to find a replacement at Lowe's and this morning I finally brought out my ladder and jumped up there and poof, job one done.
    I then decided I would replace the blinds on the door leading out, they got chewed up by Girlie's dog a couple months earlier.  They were good enough to replace it, but I had not hung the new on, it was just sitting there in its new box.  This was the morning for it, Right before Wife started her online class sitting right here where I am.  It is a good thing I have hung many blinds already, this one went up in less than ten minutes.  While I was laying on my stomach, like a great walrus screwing in the bottom part, I noticed how freaking filthy the door and its glass were.  I took a bunch of Bounty towels and soaked them in water and took to wiping the door.  It was loaded with dog hair and all sorts of splashes and splotches from the trash can which sits right next to it.  I used a little Clorox spray and by the time I was done, the door was looking real good with a new blind and clean glass which again showed the light blue reflection of tint I put on a few years ago.
    The next project I am still not sure of (if I like it) but I had bought lattice in 4ft by 8ft sheets.  They had been sitting in the middle of the patio which ruined the usage of the patio for almost a year, it seemed.  I hung them just by literally putting a screw through them and the upper frame of the patio.  It worked, they stayed up the rest of the day.  The idea for this is to cut the attack of the sun in the afternoons, the sun goes down behind our house and the patio is not usable until the sun is completely below the tree lines (other houses in the community have done this, Wife says the HOA will still complain).  While we were out there, we had another 4-5 picket fences that needed re-hanging (fence is getting old and I need to hang a new one), which I did with Javalina's help.  I had already told Boy to get ready so he could help me install a new nightlight to light up the whole backyard in case we ever here creepy crawlies making noise back there.
    I would have preferred to do the work on the light myself, but with my bad knee, I just did not want to climb an iffy ladder and stand up there for too long (light is a good ten feet off the ground).  Boy works with electricity all the time, so he knows what to do to not hurt himself.  I loved that while we were finishing the fence, he brought out the ladder, and even turned off the power to the circuit.  It took him about 5 minutes to do the work, then we tested it, and yup, it works.  We just tested it at night, and the light is pretty great, the whole backyard is lit up (writing this at 2:00am Saturday night/Sunday morning).

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