Wednesday, June 6, 2018

6/6/18 Family Made Me An Offer I Can't Refuse?

    A few months ago I got all excited when I found a waterfront lot about 10 minutes from my mom's house.  It has 10 acres, what looks like a chunky deep part of the Nueces River along the back end of it and most of it has been planted in a very ordered way, like a tree every 20 feet in a square fashion .  This makes most of the lot appear to be shaded, which is just another plus to everything else I liked immediately.  I showed it to my brother and my mom who between them gave me "what the fuck is the matter with you?", "This is why you're poor!", "Fuck no, so you can bring your fucking friends from Austin?", "You can't afford it!"  I was not that bothered by it, after all, it was Easter Weekend and I know how stressful it is to buy chocolate rabbits and a little BBQ meat, it just leaves people tired and cranky.  My internal voice just said fuck it, you really want a place on a big river like Lake Travis with a view or as Wife wants, something on the coast.  These peeps are small town Simpletons, I can't blame them for being scared to venture outside their homes.  It was hard enough for my brother to actually come outside and buy the house next door to mommy.
    Fast forward to Monday, my Mom sent me some pics with my nephew and niece out by a very pretty riverfront, nice and shaded and my little nephew is fishing, which I thought cool.  I said something generic like very nice, and I would still like those acres so we could fish like that on our own property.  My brother in law must have missed the roasting they gave me because he sounded interested.  I am always looking at land and stuff and I happened to glance it was still listed for sale as of last week.  I told him about it and sent the pics I had taken from the website.  My Mom was receptive to the idea, she can be like two different people without "Grima Wormtongue" whispering in her ear.  Now they want to look at the land and see if it is as good as the website says, see what it looks like for real.
    I like the idea of parking our RV down there, if Wife is going to continue working in La Pryor, this would give her some more privacy and a place of her own.  I technically have a nutritionist taking care of me, so I should start shedding the pounds and that should make me that much better for driving long distances and not getting sleepy.  I worry that my a-hole bro-bro will whine that my Wife is staying there, so she is using up the dirt faster than him, so we should pay more and all that other childish shit that tends to come out whenever we try to do something out of his comfort zone, which is very tiny.  I also want to see how my Mom is feeling about this after Grima gets another chance to convince her that somehow I am scamming everyone and somehow I will peel the ten acres off the land and move them closer to Austin, or maybe my scam is to steal all the trees.  As smart as they all really are, their naivete astonishes me.  How would they not benefit more than me, if they live ten minutes from the place, whereas I live three hours away?  We'll see.

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