Wednesday, June 20, 2018

6/19/18 Santa Clarita Diet? (Netflix)

    Wife suggested watching this dark comedy a couple weeks ago and although I was in no mood to watch silly shenanigans with Drew Barrymore, this was different and after an episode, I was hooked.  Apparently, this gets close to the conversation Javalina and I were having a while back.  Wife was probably watching that zombie show on TV (Walking Dead) and I have never been interested because it seems like an Armageddon scenario in which the good people have lost control and now we just have to wait to get eaten by these zombies roaming around with no rhyme or purpose.  Javalina comes into the room, watches something for two minutes, then starts with the 20 questions.  He wanted to know if I thought zombies could be real?  I had said kind of.  It makes sense something like that would totally have to be created in some sort of lab and then escaped, I Zombie did it this way, it just lost focus after awhile, for me.
    Getting back to the new show, it is on Netflix and it just matches with their edgy shows, of which they are doing such a great job not letting the bible thumpers step in and stop the cursing or the occasional boobs from flashing.  But anyways, in the first episode, Drew and Tim Olyphant are a married couple who sell real estate together.  We see right away that Drew is kind of boring, arguing with an article about how much freer she would like to be, or something.  Then the fun starts, when they are showing a house off, she throws up not just a bucket but maybe a couple trash cans worth of stuff, just destroys the bedroom and the bath in a house they are selling.  She vomits out this little red thing, looks like a spleen or a small heart.  This is where she is now a zombie.  We have seen the first season and she still doesn't know how she got it, there is maybe a remedy to stop her from transforming more, but she will stay where she is at.
    At this point, they have managed to kill 3-4 guys between them.  The husband keeps talking about supporting her and being by her side, but maybe she needs to be caged somewhere, if this weren't a comedy.  The sheriff next door was obnoxious and over the top a total dick if there ever was one.  It is nice to see he gets his.  I hadn't enjoyed much of what Drew Barrymore had done, until this.  She is jumping on guys to rip out their jugulars and it is quite funny to see her five foot frame flying and knocking guys over.
    The episodes are also only 30 minutes long, so it doesn't feel like the shows take forever.  They start and stop at just the right amount.  We've been watching 3 and 4 at a time, it has been good.  There are three seasons out, we are one episode into the second season, and it is holding up on the funny, better than Drew's appendages, at least.

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