Wednesday, June 13, 2018

6/12/18 Dog Lover Vs. Dog Lover?

    Ha!  I fucking hate dogs and the way some of you idiots will actually say more people should die than dogs says a lot about you as a human, Dummies!  I was sitting here writing on Saturday morning, it is only 8:20am and this is my third blog, sometimes ideas just come to me.  Just as I was done writing the time travel one, a lady was walking through our greenbelt behind our house.  If we cared more for walking, we would really be able to go out there and enjoy our neighborhood.  This whole community is built on an old farm and I guess the farm was down where the playground is about 7-8 houses away, according to some old views on Googlemaps.  Anyways, there was an old asphalt road from 1st Street all the way behind the houses backed up to the greenbelt, which would be shitty to drive on today, but for walking is still pretty good, it even breaks into trails and we have a deep creek that I don't believe goes dry, I have always seen it with water, but we don't go back there often enough to say it is full year round.
    Anyways, beautiful scenery, I know why people walk back there, if not for the occasional hobos or stoners, we even have a gazebo directly behind our house to sit and enjoy, but usually it is occupied with n'er do wells.  This lady was walking back there with what looked like two tiny chihuahua sized dogs and two small kids on bikes with training wheels.  The neighbor's dogs must have broke through the fence because there was a ton of barking and screaming ladies.  I'm sorry, but the only thing coming out of my neighbor's mouth should have been "I am sorry!"  "I am sorry!"  Her dogs are relatively big, how is an older lady, maybe a grandma walking her grandkids and small dogs to defend everyone from a fifty pound dog coming at you?  And you have the balls to go out there and argue?  Shut up, get your shit dog, and apologize over and over again.  Maybe euthanize the piece of shit.
All the things I would like to say, but I have already been called a whatever because I don't understand the poor plight of the caged doggy and its inherent want to bite that which it does not understand.  Our neighbor must have one of those giant hearts of gold, brain the size of a pea.  She is up to three or four ugly fucking rescue dogs, luckily there are no kids in the house.  She always yells "don't worry, the dogs don't bite." whenever they have come on my property, but I totally freeze up and I hate that feeling.
    Dog lovers don't get this, you see fur and cuteness, I see teeth and scars.  I have already said I grew up in a small town where everybody had dogs, but nobody really cared for them or kept them locked up.  To walk home meant to hope it was so hot after school that the dogs wouldn't bother chasing you home.
    I hate to say it, but I had kind of hoped the dog next door bit one of the small dogs the lady had to get a lawsuit going, maybe euthanize some fuckers.  I am trying to sleep during the day and one of the ladies works from home and guess doesn't want to hear them inside, but that means I get to hear them barking all afternoon long outside.  One of them is those kinds that gets spooked and then stays in one spot barking like a recording every 5-10 seconds BARK!.... BARK!.... BARK!  Shut the fuck up already.  The lady rarely does anything about it.  Occasionally, I will throw something against the fence or hit the metal grill with a piece of metal to scare the pieces of shit, but I don't think the dense owners get it.
    That lady let her have it, it was beautiful.  "No!, don't get after the dog, it's your fault that dog has no discipline!  "That dog is behaving the way you taught her, it is no one's fault but your own!"  She is correct on all instances.  That greenbelt belongs to all of us, if my kids yelled obscenities at you every time you walked back there, you would conclude that the parents here suck and you would be right.  Isn't it the same thing, if your shitty dogs bark and want to attack every time they hear a noise, doesn't it indicate the "doggy parents" suck?  I say yes.  All dogs suck, except Hans, because he don't bark, he's cool.

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