Sunday, June 3, 2018

6/4/18 Is It Gout?

    Last Friday I cut the grass, I believe the day before I cut my toenails, and soon after, I was hurting like nobody's business.  I just assumed I had somehow turned or caught my big toe as I turned the mower cutting the grass.  Wife and even Boy were thinking maybe it was an ingrown toenail.  There is a certain numbness like when I have an ingrown toenail, but this is further down, closer to the bone like the knuckle on the fingers and hand, but only on the big toe of the right foot.
    My thought is that I had sprained it because although it hurt a bunch and still does, I find that I can move the toe, especially down, so I think that indicates that it is not broke.  Again, I never hit myself or did anything that makes me say oh yeah, I hit it and possibly broke it or sprained it.  After giving it two weekends of rest, and the workweek was a short one, I am still feeling pulsations of pain.  Wife went back to the Googles and found another option, gout, maybe arthritis.  My mom has a pretty severe battle going on with arthritis, but online it said arthritis comes on slowly, not overnight and certainly not as aggressive as what I got.  Meanwhile, gout comes on suddenly and feels like a stabbing pain, according to one website.  Thinking about it, we have an uncle who has been diagnosed with gout, so it exists in the family.
    As soon as Wife arrived in Crystal City, she started looking up reasons for toe pain and as soon as she stumbled upon gout, she called me.  It's like everything made sense, instantly because I don't recall hurting myself, and the readings say gout just comes on.  I have not done anything to help myself, Wife wanted us to stop eating out every day after school and at one point about a month ago I tried these big fish squares which are frozen and in the toaster oven take about 20 minutes to heat.  That was just perfect, as I could set them, run to get Javalina from school and upon walking into the house, I would hear the ding of the toaster being done.  Two pieces of bread, a slice of cheddar cheese and the fish stick X 2 had both Javalina and myself forgetting about burgers and chicken strips pretty quickly.  Surprisingly, fish is one of the first things on the list of gout no-no's.  Another one is sodas, and I didn't see it on the list, but I am sure I am not doing myself favors by drinking all these sugar free drinks which are nothing but weird chemicals.  It is really stupid, because I had every intention of starting to walk/jog with Javalina in the morning, and I thought by eating fish instead of burgers, I was somehow getting ahead, same with eliminating all the soda sugar and drinking Crystal Light Tea or Fruit Punch every day.
    I am going to have to try harder and just drop down to fruits and veggies (salads) for awhile.  I will try to avoid anything with preservatives, which until now, I had ignored as it was something for hysterical girls to whine about.  I made a side bet with Wife, which I am sure she will hold up her end of the deal.  I told her I would only get serious about getting some jetskis when we pay off our debt if I can manage to lose 100 pounds or so, get myself down closer to 300, 400 is too much weight for me to carry as I start becoming a frail old man.  I did it one other time, and it wasn't hard, but I barely ate back then in college, I guess I need to do that once again.

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