Friday, June 22, 2018

6/22/18 Folks And Family Coming This Weekend?

    It should be an interesting weekend, it usually is when my folks come for a visit.  People believe I have some hidden agenda or something I don't understand.  The only thing weird about me is the atheist angle and I consider that important because life requires thinking, those that get ahead plan for it, even sacrifice the now for the later.  When you rely on a book to grant you wishes, well you might as well sit and wait for Santa to bring you riches beyond your wildest expectations.
    Anyhow, my sister called Monday or Tuesday night and said something like one of the coaches wants to take the kids to Dave And Buster's to celebrate the season being over (I thought and it seems they go year round, but whatever).She then has to take that tiny knife out and ask "are we welcome at your house?"  As far as I know, everyone in my family has a house key to my house, and I repeatedly say come over anytime you want, bring friends, we don't care.  I think my folks had plans to go to Corpus and my sister was going to join them, but I invited my mom since my sister will be here.  If they weren't weird they could even travel together and save some gas, but stuff like that gets complicated, quick.
    My mom doesn't like missing a weekend in Corpus because of the high cost of renting at the RV parks, but I know she likes hanging out over here in Austin, specially with her daughter.  Well, nobody has outright called and said they're coming, but they told Wife and I guess that is good enough.  So as far as I know, my sister and her family are coming and my mom, dad, and brother will probably be here too.  Mr. Lawyer hasn't made much noise, I know they have been fixing their house, but he is due for his once a year visit.
    My sister is already talking about the Brazilian Steakhouse and I hate to agree because it is so expensive, but it is also so delicious and we haven't had anything crazy in a good while.  I think that is what made my mom decide to come this way too.  There is a new restaurant downtown very much like it, maybe I'll convince them to try this place, to see if it is any better.
    Boy told me he has Dungeons and Dragons on Saturday night, I said uhh ok.  He usually plays on Friday, so I don't know why the change, but him having the new GF, it might be a good idea to shower and join us for a fancy meal,  the wizards and elves are there every weekend, but we'll see.

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