Sunday, June 10, 2018

6/11/18 Another Typical Weekend?

    These weekends are all kind of generic and bland right about now.  Wife seemed to be coming  home early on Friday, but she decided to stop at her Mom's house in SA and wait out rush hour or whatever and then didn't get home until 8:00-9:00pm.  This is fine, except I'm not sure if I can leave the house and go "looking."  We don't need anything per se, but you don't know you need something until you see it and then decide it is the one thing missing from your life to make you complete.  I kind of screwed around and didn't line up my last night of work very efficiently, mostly because I didn't expect much work, as I have been pushing everything out the door, even stuff due like next Thursday is already done, but we got a few jobs in and hey, why not get them done ASAP.  So I left work at 8:00am, it was payday and a long week, so I stopped for some tacos at Taco Cabana.  Without Javalina here, I hate eating out of the house alone, so I made it all week on cereals and whatever Boy and his girlfriend left me as leftovers, they seem to enjoy cooking.  Anyways, all this led to me getting in bed after 11:00am, which meant I wanted to sleep late and since Wife wasn't here, I did.
    She always shows up like a high pressure system because she gets here hungry, first it is "I need to go to the bathroom, then what are we going to eat, then the movie starts in an hour, get up, get moving, get going, run run run… We saw Deadpool 2 and as I wrote about it already, it was an enjoyable funny movie.  I like DP breaking down the 4th wall and talking to us the whole movie through, reminds us not to take it too seriously.
    Since we got our movie in Friday night, we didn't have anything for Saturday, Wife is tired of the mall, I don't mind walking around it, but we don't need anything, other than some clothes for our trip next month, but I digress.  It is way too hot to think of doing much of anything else.
    I was up at like 6:30am, wrote like 3 day's worth of blogs, then went back to bed to do my husbandly duties and rape Wife a little bit, I know she would rather sleep, but then when does the little Mando get taken care of?  You all would be disgusted if I took care of my needs outside the house, so light rape it is.  She likes it, don't worry about it.  After my two minutes in heaven, I needed to sleep and recharge all that energy and chi that just left my body.  I finally woke up 3-4 hours later at 3:00pm and we went and got some stuff at Central Market, including the 2nd watermelon this year, they have both been delicious.  We then got some meats at Target and grilled.  Boy was having a Dungeons and Dragons night, it was originally his idea to grill, but he is super cheap, and never actually went and got meat.
    I about fell asleep at the table watching my 3rd episode of Black-ish, which again Wife keeps insisting is funny, but the Wife is kind of a Bitch.  The Valentine's episode was so bad, I could hardly get through it.  First off, if your outfit is ugly, don't bitch when you get called out, shit was camo green, you ain't headed to war, put on some red shit or pink shit, you want to play the role of husband treat you like a queen, be his thing.  It is his job to get the restaurant, get you a gift, be good company... if he complains all the time, he is going to complain that night, that is who he is.  If you don't like that person, define that problem and don't have five freaking kids with him.  I want to like the show, Anthony Anderson is great, but the wife always seems put off, this is why it is becoming harder and harder to watch scripted shows, if real people were this put off by being taken to the same restaurant every year, but you don't lift a finger to change things, fuck you.  The Wife is always a know-it-all, and the husband has to play the buffoon.  Come on, in most of these shows, they all live in huge houses/ apartments, the husband is usually the main breadwinner, he has to have some sort of brain, write the shows like that, more honestly.
    For Valentine's, Wife makes a nice dinner at home, we include the boys, and maybe I get her a gift, we have been working on paying down credit cards, so the last two years I don't think we've even done anything, she's out of town most days, and that is fine.  If Wife behaved like these bitches on TV where a gift really matters and sets the tone for the day, I'd a kicked that shallow ass on the street a long time ago.  Reminds me of a guy I know, and what do all the expensive gifts amount to?  Nothing, they were given to an unappreciative bitch!

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