Thursday, June 8, 2017

6/8/17 Death Comes For All Of Us?

    Yesterday, Boy's friend, who stays with us said his grandfather had been given medicine for pain, but they will not be doing anything to make him better anymore.  From what I have gathered, that is pretty much the person will be passing away in the next 24-48 hours.  Sure enough, he got the call at 3:15am that the Grandpa had passed away in his sleep.  It is of course always sad to loose someone, but he did live to the age of 80 and the last few years were rough on him, as he had lost his eyesight and was living in a nursing home, away from his wife of 49 years.
    I first met the man like in 2007.  He was an old school Hispanic man, very proud and very nice.  We visited them a few times, they invited us over for an Easter and maybe a birthday party.  They lived out on some acres in the country, and it was nice to have open lots like that, the man grilling away in his backyard.  Even then, when we met Boy's friend, in 7th grade, he would have mini break downs, that Grandpa was going to die because he was admitted to the hospital all the time.  After a while, it was like Chicken Little and I decided this man is going to be around a long time, his grandson needs to take a chill pill.
    Surprisingly, the old man lasted another ten years, we didn't see him much over the last few years, as sometimes you grow apart from people as fast as you grow together.  His mama started dating a new fellow and he didn't care for our shenanigans and quick witted conversations, so we didn't hang out anymore.
    I don't hold it against his Mama, after all, she was looking for a partner to help make her life easier, and I guess this dude fit the bill.  He told us that the Grandpa was going to be cremated which is an option for me, but I didn't realize it happened so quick.  He said it was going to happen the same afternoon, but now they have backed off and are going to have some sort of church ceremony.  I am not sure how it is supposed to work.  Does the body have to be paraded around town, or can he be in the process of getting delivered to a crematorium while the church ceremony is in process, or does his body have to be there?
    I don't know how it will play out.  I don't know if we show up out of respect for Boy's friend or do we give them space as a family with the new hubby who might be sensitive and not like us being there.  The last time we interacted, he went and sat in the car while we were in the middle of a Halloween Party.  We also have our nephew's graduation today in San Antonio which is going to be rough, as it is at 3:00pm at the Alamodome, and I am at work until 6:30am or so.

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