Wednesday, June 14, 2017

6/14/17 Is It Possible Trump Is A Genius?

    I started and went further to the left at the start of Trump's presidency because the man kind of scared me.  He seems racist, elitist, sexist, and just about any other -ist you can think of.  The left has spared no punches going for him at every opportunity, from Bill Maher on HBO to the Daily Show on Comedy Central.  I admit I find funny in everything they declare about the man.  But something just doesn't compute.  Is he a buffoon like I had thought or is he really going to generate some change to help our country back to the top of the heap?
    The biggest issue right now plaguing the world is the spread of Islam, which makes those raised with a Christian leaning leery and gives the free world something to think about.  I consider myself open minded and at first I want to believe that they come in peace and all that beautiful "COEXIST" crap.  But then when you look at the news, they are bombing a new location almost weekly, so why would we want their kind spreading this way?  This has been Trump's big war cry, to keep enemies of America away.  I am for this too.  A 26 billion dollar wall is not going to stop them, but refusing refugees from middle eastern places, such as Syria will help.
    Then we hear of Trump shaming other countries on NATO.  I assumed everyone chipped in, that we pay for everything is fair how?  Why is the United States charged with keeping the peace of the world?  Nobody seems to respect us, in that regard. 
    Pulling out of all the environmental programs seemed very irresponsible as well, but if the other countries are not really following the rules, why charade like everything is cool?  A program only works if all the participants are truly doing the work.
    I don't know the right answer, so I don't want to sit and be all judgmental when I don't know the full story.  If I end up being right, I can always say "I told you so."  If I am wrong, I have officially shut my mouth, so I can say I started coming around to the different perspective this outsider to Washington brings.  I don't like what I hear about his policies, and his efforts to bring in his family isn't right, but to the victor go the spoils.  I don't believe we are headed in the right direction with a population that wants to sit on welfare and these corporations diluting us for their bottom line.  We have to start somewhere and maybe the right path is to be selfish as a country until we gain our strength back.  We keep letting the world suck on out titte and the sum bitchesdon't even seem to appreciate what we do, so fuck 'em all!!

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