Thursday, June 22, 2017

6/22/17 Wife Can't Help Herself?

    One thing I thought we had both decided was that we would be off the week of 4th of July.  I don't care if the best we can come up with is to hang around and just go to the mall and watch movies at Alamo Drafthouse for free, thanks to Boy.  Anyhow, Wife tells me today what would I think about us spending two nights in Dallas because there is a conference on how to sharpen a no.2 pencil the right way and she CANNOT miss this because somebody in the disctrict needs to know the newest developments in pencil technology.  I surprised myself that instead of getting pissy, I kind of went along with it.  She will be the one getting up early, me and Chubs will probably stay in the hotel room and just sleep all day until she gets done.  From my end, it sounds perfect.  Somebody else is paying for the hotel and even gas, and we get to go hang out somewhere relatively new, for us.
    I personally think it's kind of stupid of Wife to do so much all the time, specially since she was pulled aside and told "we don't have money in the budget for raises", but help us in hiring a whole new coaching staff, and we are creating new positions internally to promote people we really like.  All she does is work, even when she comes home on the weekends, if she finds one of the laptops open, she will get on something that "just needs a few minutes, I'm almost done."  This bugs me, not because she is a workaholic, but because stuff like this does not matter to the powers that be. 
    The only good thing  is we will be together and she will gain a couple of days she was going to be off, so she can take more days off, if the Knucklehead does it, we'll see.  I kind of worry the summer is moving so fast, she will leave days on the table because she wants to get this and that done.  It is not like the summer vacation days carry into the next school year.
    I really thought we would end up in Corpus that week, my mom keeps offering us to stay in her RV, so it would be relatively cheap to do that, but with my leg not quite yet healed, I am hesitant to get near water.  We have enjoyed ourselves the last couple of years, staying in nice hotels, cranking down the AC to eskimo temperatures, better if we can get a suite to kick Chubs to another room.  Boy won't join us, he would rather stay behind and make some money, plus then he gets to hang with his friends.  Unfortunately, we are too boring for him.  Ehh, it won't surprise me if Wife tells me tomorrow "I signed up, but I have to go with a coworker and y'all can't go."  That will piss me off, because I have planned on being off that week since the beginning of the year.  We'll see what the Capitan wants to do.

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