Sunday, June 11, 2017

6/11/17 Finally Resting My Way?

    Friday night turned into a twelve hour shift I had not expected.  I figured it was a night unattached to anything else, so I had gotten up early, went and did some things I had been meaning to do.  As a result, I finally will have access to my extra bit of money trapped in my stocks, which I have had since as long ago as 1999.  They just sat in my closet, hidden in a book.  I want to say I will sell at $13, but then the stock has hit $13 twice in the last month and gone back down, maybe I get greedy and wait for $14-$15.
    Either way, I feel like a man with a new lease on life.  Last week I was in a true panic, I was scared we might even loose our house after the terrible cut in pay I experienced from work.  This, after twenty plus years of solid quality work.  Anyway, selling my truck to Carmax ended up giving me enough extra money to even pay off our RV which we had about a year to go.  I had deduced I would use the stock money to pay off the RV, not figuring I had owned the truck enough to have built any equity in it.
    If the stocks go on a positive run this week, it will just be more money to help pay off other credit cards, and really give us some room to breath, or I can sit on them and wait.  I know that this pay period that just passed was OK and getting better, and the extra night worked will finally give me some money to put in my pocket, separate from our bills and obligations.  This is a little WAM (Walk Around Money), something I hardly ever experience anymore.  I'm feeling positive enough I may even buy Chubs the new gaming system Boy bought for himself.  Boy lets him play it, if he feels like it, otherwise he will randomly tell him to beat it, and I don't like that.  As I said, we give money to Boy in other ways, so he can't say we favor Chubs over him, although he still says it all the time.
    I have some other plans I can get back to scheming for at this point, so I am glad about that.  I want to be able to keep sending the credit cards the same I have been sending them and pay them off with the money we make.  This would allow me to give Wife about half of my renter's money so we can work on our Disney stash money.  I don't think we can make it happen this year, but you never know, Christmas break is a while away.
    On a side note, I hate to admit I slept the whole day away and now at 4:30-5:00am I am full of energy, but that is how it goes when you work nights.  This week is a short week for me, I should only be working three nights, so I feel pretty relaxed, even if I did work 60 hours this past week, on paper.  Wife was here all week and she started out strong and putting all sorts of pressure on me, but I finally snapped one too many times and she said she would be cutting it out.  With our bills back in order, the solar cells finally making power, Chubs going to a couple weeks of summer school for  Math enrichment, and Boy working almost full time during the summer, I don't see where she has any room to harp about.  I think we are back on track, financially, and that gives me the biggest "aaaahh" I can enjoy.  At least until I go buy a new toy.  :) 

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