Tuesday, June 13, 2017

6/13/17 Compare And Contrast Of Newly Going In And Met Their Obligation?

    There are so many stories in Orange Is The New Black, I could go on for a month, but I will share one or two more that I noticed.  This one has to do with chef Judy King and the administrator from MCC, Linda Ferguson.  Chef Judy spent the better part of last season in "prison", but even then, she was kept in a separate room from the inmates, was given a soda machine, and so many other things normal prisoners don't get.  She pretended to make nice with the other inmates she was forced to mix with.  She ended up befriending the black community and at one point was photographed kissing black Cindy for the tabloids.  Judy told her there would be money but it never came.
    Linda, who was responsible for the gradual degradation of the food quality as an executive with MCC, who privately owned the prison.  She was responsible for changing the food from stuff cooked there to pre-packaged slop that barely qualified as food.  However, once she found herself behind bars and with no recourse to get out, she took her role like a fish to water.  She lost her fancy clothes, was quick with a new name and a story she was willing to repeat.  She became Connie, the cunt from Connecticut, expert in forgery.
    Chef Judy was never really a criminal in the hurting someone sense.  She turned herself in for tax evasion and was supposed to do a minimum sentence, mimicking what happened to Martha Stewart.  Because she was a celebrity, everyone in Litchfield new she was coming and although she didn't ask for the special treatment, as she told Yoga Jones, you don't say no when someone gives you more. 
    I think Linda did have a little evil in her.  She seemed to have no problem rising in her sorority, even if it was her fault her big sister froze to death.  She found an opportunity and she took it then and while imprisoned found the biggest strongest girl, Big Boo, and formed a bond with her for protection, even if it meant having to put out, because that is what a survivor does.  She did get a little brazen though and after leaving Piper and Voss, she even landed with the big crowd and acted as a judge sitting there in the middle of all the prisoners with her flimsy story of being in for forgery when she too should have been a hostage, but becomes a prisoner, learning things to possibly make her better at her job, such as the living conditions mostly because of her business decisions to save MCC money and make the executives richer.

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