Sunday, June 11, 2017

6/12/17 Daya Represents So Many Stupid Girls Today?

    I am a big fan of Orange Is The New Black, and the fifth season has not been disappointing yet.  The only thing that has let me down has been Daya, who I really thought was going to do her time and come out unscathed, but goddaammit, she goes from one fuck up to another and not in a smart way.  They say the apple doesn't fall far from the tree and really, Daya's mother is a monster in every sense of the word.  She takes up with a drug dealer who is doing all his drug activities amongst her kids.  When they get busted, the mom takes the blame, because a woman will do less time, never mind she has about five young kids she is fixing to walk out on.  Eventually, the apple does the same thing as mother and lands in jail for the mom's shitty drug dealing boyfriend.
    The rules are simple, keep your head down, don't be a problem, don't fraternize with the guards.  Before the end of season one, she gets pregnant from one of the guards but blames another one that no one likes.  All this ruins at least four lives, not that it matters.  The one-legged guard who likes her, but runs away.  The jerk guard who gets blamed and fired, and who goes a little nuts, Daya, as the mother who gets her baby taken away, and the baby who is now floating around in the foster system.  Whores that reproduce like this should be on Norplant, it took her weeks to find a dude willing to impregnate her, stupid girl.  She pretty much plays it quiet the last couple seasons, but when the gun goes flying in the last episode of season four, she ends up with it.
    She had absolutely no excuse to shoot the guard anywhere, much less saying she had aimed at his pecker, but the gun had too much kickback.  She is taunted by the other inmates who go berserk without structure and law.  Several inmates start kicking the shot guard and Gloria, who acts as her guardian tries to calm Daya down, but she will hear none of this.
    Showing how immature she is, after shooting the guard she wants nothing more than to go lay down and nap, but refuses to give up ownership of the gun, because that is the center of power.  It takes the other two "Spanish" girls talking about her future in max prison for her to realize what she has done.  Gloria tries talking to her and the first time she still has her ignorant on full power.  She is trying to blame the shooting on the guard who brought the gun in.  Then she tries to blame the other girls who were pushing for her to do it.
    Eventually, they have a heart to heart and she accepts that it was her who picked up the gun and it was her decision to pull the trigger.  It doesn't matter who cheered or how she got the gun.  We all have free will and what we do, we must claim as our own actions.
    I feel bad for her, in the end, she could never escape her mother's shadow, I believe some of her bad decisions were done to get her mother's attention, but I don't know that that  she monster needs to be involved in anyone's life, unless to make it worse.

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