Monday, June 5, 2017

6/6/17 Selling Another Truck?

    I just can't seem to keep them.  With the recent adjustment to my salary, I have been playing with the numbers and it seemed like it might be fine if we did some small things, such as reduce our insurance coverage, and return a couple of cable boxes, and honestly, the numbers line up, on paper.  The problem is we live in the real world.  It didn't take but the weekend of hearing Wife in a bit of a panic as we walked around Academy looking for a new liner for our grill.  Normally, I would have just bought a newer bigger grill and been done with it, but the new and (what is the opposite of improved?) broke Mando must resort to living like the huddled masses and fix what I have.  Wife talks a good game and everybody sides with her, but she is the little dagger in my rib cage that is never completely relaxed, even when we have been doing good.  She was making up things we're going to need money for, such as her school clothes at the end of the summer, school clothes for Chubs, what about taking a vacation, she suddenly has a messed up tooth, and on and on.
    I finally flailed in the aisle with the inflatable pizzas and turds for swimming fun, I told her "relax, we'll sell my truck, and things we'll even out to how it was before my cut in pay.  This seemed to help, and instead of giving y'all theoretical ideas, I'll cut to the chase.  We went today to Carmax where I sold my last truck and got a quote from them.  They said they would buy the truck for $38719.  I owe $35160, so I can even walk away with $3500.  This is great because that extra allows me to pay off the RV as well.  I will then have removed the RV payment of $343.60 and the truck payment of $676.19, which combined and throwing in the fact that I will no longer pay for insurance on the truck, add another ~$70, and my savings are closer to $1100.  Add to that the money we were still sending to Chase to deposit in Boy's bank account ever since we opened it, which is another $200 a month and that pretty much takes me even with what was taken away from me.
    On the one hand I do not want to do this, as I do love that truck, it still seems new, but on the other, as the responsible party for losing so much money for our household, I had to do something.  Management keeps talking about new contracts and OT in the near future, but it is just warm air right now.  We just spend too much, this weekend my folks were here, and we didn't do much, but still eating out added up, we have managed to cut down what we spend at the movies but even with free tickets and ordering water to drink, we still end up with a tab over $40, and that is just us three, not including Boy.  Throw in a new shirt for the graduation, some cheap shirts we found for Chubs for next school year, 3 white Polo type under $20, and we still spent a pretty penny.  Oh yeah, then my renter is paying me a week late because he didn't get paid because a customer stiffed them. 
    All these things make me realize I can't live on the edge like "on paper" tells me we can.  In due time, I will get me another vehicle, probably not a big truck anymore, it did suck that it never rose above 12mpg.  Maybe a sexy little sports car, but let me loose some weight first.

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