Saturday, June 10, 2017

6/10/17 FInally, Some OT?

    Friday was supposed to be the start of a restful weekend, after going to our nephew's graduation in San Antonio and getting back pretty late.  I managed to get up at 9:00am as I had plans for the day.  I went downstairs while everybody was asleep and paid our bills for this cycle.  Since I sold my truck a couple of days ago, I wanted to make sure the money was in the bank to go pay off the last couple of months of our RV.  These two acts go a long way to getting us back where we were prior to my pay cut.  While drinking my coffee around 10:00am, I got a call from my supervisor if I was interested in working OT tonight.  I can't say no to extra money, but I was going to need a nap before 5:00pm
    I thought it would also be a good day to go deposit my paper stocks at Scottrade being that I just found out what to do with them to make them useful.  With paper stocks, they can be deposited to a place like Scottrade and then they become electronic stocks which are much easier to manage and sell.  After doing this, we ate at Firehouse Subs since it is almost next door to the Scottrade place down south by the Costco.
    Boy left for a Comic Convention in Dallas.  I wasn't going to help him, but all of a sudden, we are not so tight on money with the selling of my truck, so I gave him the gas card and $50, to be nice.  They left probably at 3:00-4:00 in the afternoon, and we just missed him because we got back around that time.  I took my hour long nap in Chub's bedroom since Wife had stripped the bed naked to wash the sheets and stuff.
    I got into work right at 5:30pm or so, I got a little distracted because I stopped the XMSirius satellite service on the truck and figured I could transfer it over to my Excursion, since that is what I will be driving regularly, for awhile.  It didn't want to activate, but I think I was parked too close to the house, and it was interfering.  After moving it halfway out the driveway, it started working.
    I got to work in time to get the HOT work from the customer, come in and start working on it.  I am probably staying an hour or two extra, but I was late on Tuesday, so this should square us up.  It feels good, all of a sudden, getting rid of the truck and RV bills makes me feel a lot lighter.  I could also sell the stocks and pay off a handful of other smaller credit cards and that would be awesome, but I want to play it cool, if OT picks up, I would rather keep my stock money for maybe another watch.

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