Monday, May 8, 2017

5/9/17 The Healthcare Issue As I Understand It?

    I am not an expert on our government, but hearing so many politicians speak on the healthcare system, I am not sure they know much better than the common man.  At times like these, I remember a wise George Carlin saying think of how intelligent the average human is, and remember 50% are dumber than that, guess who they voted for? (I kid, sort of).
    Obamacare as I get it covered most everybody, at an "affordable" cost.  I have to admit this pissed me off initially when our premiums shot up all of a sudden.  Then again, I was led to believe this was a way so all our fair citizens can get treatment in case they need it.  I might not be so for this type of thinking if I wasn't told that most of the industrialized nations already have healthcare for all their citizens, look to Canada for a prime example.  As soon as I get that sentence out, my very smart conservative friends at work would say, but good luck if you get sick up there, you will get mediocre treatment, and the really sick who can afford it will cross the border and see an American doctor.  I am not sure I believed that scenario, but I don't know.  Let's just say if you get a routine situation, broken limb, minor surgeries like gallbladder removals, no problem.  If it's one of the bad cancers, you're fucked no matter where you get treated. 
    Regardless, if we want to beat our chest as the number 1 country, shouldn't we be trying to lift up our weaker citizens to a standard better than Australia?  We should all feel safe that if we get sick, the medical community will do what it can to heal us and help us get better.
    Trumpcare, as I understand it, is only for those who can afford healthcare, and some conservatives I have talked to say as much.  Why should you get something if you can't afford it is what I was told by one of the louder conservatives in my ring of peeps.  When their plan failed the first time, they came back and added the clause that states have the right to make people that are already labeled sick to pay more for their own insurance.  This is great for the general population, I can understand how insurance companies can then charge less if you get all the expensive peeps with "pre-existing" conditions out of the gene pool, you have a healthier stock to worry about.  If only we were cattle or fish, then yeah eliminate those few with "pre-existing" conditions then we would live in a utopia of healthy and strong workers, there was another guy with the same mentality back in the 1930's trying to do the same thing.  Those mother fucking politicians are all silver haired assholes about five years away from needing major healthcare insurance, but don't worry about them, they have a special insurance they provided for themselves.
    You, bumbling conservatives, clapping your hands at what they are doing like you won't get sick, or get older, like you don't have an uncle or aunt who is fixing to get fucked by this replacement, why?  To remove anything the black president did for us?  Why was it so important to remove "Obamacare" as a first initiative by this moron of a president?
    I guess if Jesus Christ existed today, he would be republican?  He would be worried about his bottom line, "fuck those poor people, I only help those who can help themselves, they are the ones worth saving." would be a quote of his?  "I only turn water to wine if I'm deep in bitches and like my president I can grab them by the p***y", otherwise I ain't providing the alcohol for a bunch of weak-ass bitches. 
    I thought we were better humans than that, but I can get behind saving some money on healthcare, fuck the poor.  If you can't afford it, about 24 million of y'all, show some dignity for the rest of us and go die quietly where you don't block the TV when you get sick, we really don't want you clogging up the emergency rooms either. 

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