Thursday, May 4, 2017

5/4/17 Good Bad Day?

    This is being written on Wednesday evening.  My little vacation finally ended, my doctor told me I could go back to work.  I described it as a good bad day because although I had to go to the doctor, I finally got some good news.  I was worried the doctor was going to yell at me like he did the week before about not keeping my foot elevated.  I kind of disliked the walk in the hospital from the full parking garage to the doctor's office.
    This week, they relocated to a new office in a new building with neon lights down the hallways, and very open to allow light in.  The parking garage is below the offices in this building, so it was just a matter of riding the elevator up to the correct floor (7th).  The doctor took over half an hour to finally see me, but he seemed like a different person.  He was smiling and laughing and said my gash looked really good, so he said to come back in a month for a final look. 
    Worse even, was getting texts from my supervisor in chemistry and my other supervisor in TEM.  Both wanted to know if I was coming in to work.  I said yes, in a bit.  This put me on edge.  Why would my old supervisor and the company owner want to talk to me?  I was half expecting to be put in the group of people laid off.  It wasn't that bad, but almost.  I was given a roughly 15-20% pay cut.  It is going to hurt, no doubt about it.  My night shift differential was taken, so the fact that I work nights, only gets me 5% instead of the 15% I used to get.
    On a side note, Boy's old friend's grandmother passed away.  I am unsure how to react to this.  At a certain point we were close to these people.  But then over the last five years we haven't even heard from the kid.  His mom would join us, even for Thanksgiving, for like 5-6 years, then after graduating, the kid said thank you for everything, and never came back.
    So there was plenty of bad stuff going on today, but I am also glad I wasn't let go, but the pay cut is going to be a bear.  I am glad the doctor gave me a thumbs up and he gave me a break from visiting, as he said to see him in a month to check on the results.  I have been seeing a doctor every week since around September, so the break will be nice and appreciated.  Overall, it was kind of a shitty day, but looking back at it, it could have been worse.

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