Tuesday, May 16, 2017

5/16/17 Miniature New Testament Giveaways?

    Friday was kind of a hectic day, with Wife showing up early, for once, she was able to swing around with me to pick up Chubs.  We went a little earlier because she thinks it is my idea to let Chubs hang out after school.  It is his idea, he likes to hang out and get into trouble with the little "ne'er do wells" and other kids waiting on their parents.  When we went, I noticed a couple of old men giving out free books, I frowned, said to Wife there they are, with their religion.  I mean it's never old men giving out books of Archie Comics or some Car and Driver Magazines, nope, it's always spreading the word of the lord.
    I told Chubs to run over and get me one, I've been meaning to get me a bible and read some more.  They always seem to disappear from my house, I do like reading it, if just to use it's words against itself, it tends to be fun, for me, at least.  The cover said New Testament Psalms/Proverbs.  I am not an expert but my expert buddy at work always defends the bible by saying the first part doesn't count.  The real ignorant people like to say God wrote the bible, the more grounded in reality will say maybe God inspired a handful of men over 1000 years, from Moses to Malachi.  So it appears that what I've been carrying around in my pocket is just the good parts my buddy would say count.  The ones involving Jesus Christ, specifically.
    I kind of forgot about it being in my back pocket, we didn't really go anywhere, freaking pay cut has us scared and shivering under blankets at home, scared to spend a dollar I might not have in a couple weeks.  I told Chubs to get my keys and wallet this morning so I could drop him off.  Once I walk downstairs, I am not walking back up to get my keys, that's what kids are for.  He mentioned the bible falling out of my pocket and asked why it was called the New Testament.  We then had a good conversation driving to school.
    I told him that even though the Holy Bible is Holy, people like to skip the first half, it doesn't make anyone sound good, there's some whoring, and selling of humans and all sorts of stuff that is hard to defend.  Then Chubs asked me a good question, he said why do people in America embrace  Christianity?  I had to think, and then I told him it's because it is full of hope.  If you really become a Christian, even a murderer can be forgiven and sit before god when he dies.  So, if anything, Christianity allows you to wash your hands of any stupid shit you do.  If it is real then, a person that went crazy and murdered a bunch of people because he got high can sit next to god, meanwhile, if you forget to ask for forgiveness because you ate crab or enjoyed wearing polyester pants, you are technically going to hell.  Chubs was uncomfortable with that notion, I told him yeah, it sucks, but that is why logical people have a hard time embracing religion.

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