Sunday, May 21, 2017

5/22/17 Am I Still A Liberal?

    I was talking with the guys at work and we got into a pretty good debate a couple weeks ago, well, anytime they have time, we get into it pretty good, they play the part of repressed elite conservative and that leaves me to pick up the role of overindulgent liberal.  At this point, it isn't about anything in particular, we all hate those who can't or won't do for themselves.  We all agree that it doesn't matter if you are republican or democrat, they all suck from the same big tit, corporate America.
    I still disagree with the notion that our planet has too many people.  Yes, there are places where there are too many people, such as India, which is 1/3 the size of the US and has 3 times as many people or China also with three times as many people, and roughly the same size.  How about Canada, roughly the size of the US at 9 million square miles and yet only about a tenth of the population as the US, at about 35 million.
    I will agree that there are too many stupid people or in nicer terms naïve/ignorant, maybe uneducated people for the world to sustain.  At this point I have to mention the movie Idiocracy, which one of the guys showed to me.  I had seen the beginning montage of the stupid Clevon banging his way through his wife, Britney, and Brandy, and Mackenzie and producing what appeared to be about 50 descendants while the high IQ couple can't decide when to have a child as even the stock market worries them. 
    The movie mentions that without a deterrent or fix in the population from time to time, it is not necessarily the smarter people passing on their genes, it is the most sexually promiscuous that get their DNA sent to the next round.  Idiocracy is set 500 years in the future, the hero Joe, played by Luke Wilson is frozen in present day time in an army experiment along with a hooker, Maya Rudolph.  The project is forgotten about and the last until 500 years a great trash crash sends the "coffins" they are in tumbling and opening accidentally.  The people are all pretty stupid and everything is in complete chaos.  The lawyer they befriend, Dax Sheperd, helps them find the Costco, which is miles long and includes a law school, where he got his degree. 
    The movie is detached from reality, yet, it could come true, if a few things are allowed to continue.  A big corporation, Brawndo, has replaced water with its Gatorade equivalent which in turn is killing the vegetation.  He suggests they convert back to water in the fields, then Brawndo goes bankrupt, which sets the people out to get Joe, because half the world now works for Brawndo.  Any court rulings are played out like a wrestling precursor.  When he is to be punished for bankrupting Brawndo, he ends up in a monster truck stadium in a golf car with barely any juice, and he is being chased by two huge monster cars.
    He is saved in the end, when the stupid people are shown that plants do need water to grow.  Eventually, labeled the smartest man in the world, he becomes president, and the world is better for it. 

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