Sunday, May 14, 2017

5/14/17 When Do We Stop Dreaming?

    I've been watching Master of None with Aziz Ansari on Netflix.  It is a smart, funny show about life for Aziz in New York, trying to date and carry on through life.  The second season was just released Friday night, and the second season has been just as good as the first.
    I liked the discussion his girlfriend from the first season and him were having in one of the episodes last season, which was why don't more people do what makes them happy?  The Aziz character mentions a friend of his went to Hawaii, loved it, and stayed to become a scuba instructor and is living the dream.  The girl mentions her sister who dreamed of traveling but after a kid, life gave her a different trajectory and there she is, raising kids, not doing what she wanted to do.  The girlfriend mentions that if it was up to her, she would like living in Japan.  Aziz mentions the fact that she needs to know the language, she say she took a language class or something in high school.  Aziz jokingly mentions he would choose Italy because he loves pasta so much. 
    Fast forward to the inevitable break-up, and she tells him she is going to go live her dream before it is too late and ends up like her sister, and she exits stage left, headed to Japan and out of the protagonist's life.  He has a casual career of working on commercials and bit movie parts.  In the last scene of the first season we see him headed to Italy, scared but accomplishing something.
    When I was younger maybe I would have been interested in seeing places like Greece with all its history and beautiful scenery, but thanks to our warmongering ways, I don't think a fat, greedy American would be welcome over there, and I don't go where I am not wanted.  My recalculated dreams are to have some waterfront property, where I can walk to my backyard and launch a boat, and be back home by dinnertime.  It doesn't seem like it right now, specially with work just cutting our pay and Wife living 200 miles away, but my plan is slowly coming together.
    People like my parents would say don't.  Think smaller Junior, that is why you are always broke, even Wife was shook by news of my cut in pay last week, and she got down for a bit.  I cannot think small, that is for people scared to stretch their wings, I always believe things will be alright.  Solutions always become visible when you need them.  As I tell Wife, things may get a little tight, but have our fat asses ever missed a meal?  My dreams may not take me to the other side of the world making pasta in a small village like Aziz in the new season opener, but I won't stop scheming and scamming until I own an address with a view of open water.  It will happen

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