Monday, May 8, 2017

5/8/17 Which Is Better, Support From The Dim Or An Attaboy From An Alpha?

    We just finished watching an episode of Man Seeking Woman, usually a clever little show, loaded with silly visuals of every day situations blown out of proportion.  The main character is Josh and this season he seems to have met his perfect partner and they are now starting the process to get married.  At the same time, his much more organized in life sister has just made "partner" at whatever form she is working.
    Josh's parents find out that he is getting married and they become followers and fans of the wedding.  Taking it too far as they tend to do, the parents are gradually becoming "hippies" complete with a VW van and they have a map to follow the marriage as if it were a live band, like Phish.  They have plans to be at the store where she will shop for her wedding dress, the cake tasting, the invitations, meanwhile, she is trying to get them excited for her own big life accomplishment and they basically say "uhhh, we are more interested in this wedding than you becoming a manager, or whatever.
    This seems bad and because the mom is divorced, she is left with the option of contacting her dad.  The dad has her same demeanor and he introduces her to a talent she didn't realize she had.  Like him, she can look at anything and determine if something is good or crap.  There is a small montage where he takes her around to hone her skills.  To add more similarities, he mentions he too made partner at his firm at the same age, 31.  Just as it seems they are the same, he gets a call and has to run off for a late night meeting.
    He mentions that her mom never understood his gift, he had to leave her, she surrounded herself with crap.  She owned nothing but crap, except for one piece of art, some painting.  Since she is feeling close to her dad, she says she will get him the painting.  She goes to her folks, and they have settled down from the excitement of the marriage and try to ask her about her promotion and perhaps even to go eat at some shitty restaurant they love.
    When trying to get a hold of her dad again, she can't reach him.  She is told by his receptionist that he won't be making dinner, and if she would be so kind as to leave the painting at his place.  She realizes that the dad is power hungry and treats life as work first, everything else comes second.  Her mom is not sophisticated and maybe kind of slow, but they are willing to support her anyway.
    So that is my question, which is better, to have the support of loving overly attached parents who might even be a little slow but they mean well? or to have trifling support of a fully cognizant adult who is mostly interested in his own rise to power?  At best, her dim witted mom will be nice and they will celebrate the best way they know how, even if it be going to a cheesy restaurant that might even make you sick.  The other option is a full hit or miss parent that will be available only if their own self interests allow them to be present.

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