Saturday, May 20, 2017

5/21/17 Now What? How About Cellulitis?

   I have finally gone to a surgeon, got the skin graft, it is healing, very little blood and pus is coming out anymore, so that is good.  I am just waiting for it to completely heal so I can start exercising again.  I know everyone sees a fat ass but I swear before this gash took over my life, I was walking 4 miles a night and going to the gym regularly, my blood pressure was between 120-130 over 70-80 and I felt good.  Nowadays, that I don't work out, my blood pressure has been climbing slowly up, I know this only because I went once a week to the doctor for about 4 months and the first thing they did was measure my pressure.
    This week I got a new addition to my ailments.  I woke up Tuesday shivering like I was freezing.  I laid in bed around 10:00am trying to figure out a way to climb out of the blankets and turn off the fan.  I finally counted to three like I was diving into freezing water and threw myself at the fan.  The moment I stood up, my whole body started shivering uncontrollably but I put on my robe, figuring some ibuprofen would help.  As I started walking down the stairs, Boy's friend came in the house and I was walking down the stairs.  I showed him my arms that I was shivering like crazy walking gingerly hoping not to fall down the stairs.  He was alarmed and asked me if he should drive me to the ER.  I said no, but maybe.  Let me see if some ibuprofen and Nyquil help me out.  I took them and then he mentioned if I had eaten and I said not really, like 3-4 Ritz crackers with peanut butter.  He said maybe my sugar was low, which the diabetes hammer is always lingering with me, he offered me his breakfast tacos.  I ate one, just in case, and by the time I went back up to bed, I had stopped trembling and I was able to sleep more or less normally.
    The bad chill was gone and I kept taking ibuprofen, thinking it was a light flu, but the next morning I noticed a red swelling around my left ankle.  Initially, I thought it might have been a spider bite since I grabbed the comforter from the storage area, but Wife looked at it and said that looks like cellulitis again.  I hated the thought that she was right, but she looked it up and that explained the chills and fever and everything else.  I went to work anyways, but this morning I laid down and pulled up the information myself and decided to just do the right thing and head to the clinic and get some antibiotics.
    It was the same PA who treated my ear infection about a month ago and she remembered me, which was nice.  She quickly agreed that it was cellulitis and gave it an even more technical name.  She recommended I start wearing compression socks which I would have already started if they were easy to find.  I saw a pair in the medical aisle but they were $40.  Now that I am looking harder, Dillard's carries a line, still in the $12-$14, but easier to swallow the purchase.  I guess I am done with Crocs because I can't wear long socks up to my knees with sandals, that is too goofy for me.

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