Monday, May 15, 2017

5/15/17 Crawfish Shack And Oyster Bar Lunch Review? (restaurant)

    We had brunch today (Sunday) at this restaurant because Boy's Friend that lives with us wanted to go try it and said he would treat us for Mother's Day.  I had just got up and started drinking a cup of coffee, I even half jokingly told him to take Wife as I am not a big fan of seafood and I don't normally get treated by anyone.  After Wife gave me the stop being an ass look, I got up and dressed, dragging Chubs along.  Boy was not available as the weekends are when he works the most at his job at the Alamo Drafthouse.
    When we got to the restaurant we remembered we had eaten here before once and it was super expensive.  Since then, they have closed down and opened at least three different times.  I didn't see much of a difference, but the prices were tempered a bit.  There was a chalkboard on the wall with prices of crab and lobster, by the pound.  I was not there to take advantage of our guy, I had a po-boy with shrimp and some fries that I shared with Wife.  Wife had a po-boy sandwich too, but hers had crawfish, the poor man's lobster.  I did notice everything is ordered individually, like the po-boys (sandwiches) were one item and the fries were separate.  Chubs had a kids plate with chicken tenders and some fries.  Boy's friend had a couple Shiner Bock's and a huge tray with maybe 10-12 whole crawfish and chunks of sausage and potatoes.  It looked big enough to feed two people, but he had no problem downing it.
    We must have gotten there right before church let out or something because we walked in to an empty restaurant, maybe three other tables were in use.  When we left all the tables inside were full, and there were a couple families waiting at the door.  The restaurant reminds me of something down in the coast, with wood tables and dark exposed beams on the ceiling.  All the servers and waitresses were young and attractive, it looked like a fairly successful place, considering it's been closed or shut down a few times.
    I have to say I expected it to be more expensive when the check came, we had also ordered hush puppies, calamari, and mushrooms as appetizers, which were small but enough for all four of us to taste them all.  The check was only $61.50 or thereabouts.  He must have caught the beers at happy hour prices.  I offered to split the check, even gave him a $20 for my part, but he refused saying we've done plenty for him, not to worry about it.
    That was very nice on his part, now if we could get Boy to pay for a meal and then Girlie, wow, that would be something.  If either if there wallets ever opened they would do the creeeek sound of a massive temple door being opened for the first time in a millennia. 
    I was left wanting more, the fries were good, with whatever spicy sauce they were showered with, my poboy had about 8-9 shrimp, which I almost expected it to be thin with 3-4.  If the crawfish didn't turn my stomach, I might have been interested in the plate he ordered, but I have never liked those mudbugs.  I can see us going back, even Chubs and I after school, it was not expensive, which is always key in my book.

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