Saturday, May 27, 2017

5/27/17 The Break-Up (Movie)

    Sorry for so many movie comments, but I have been stuck at work and there is nothing else going on.  The boys are pretty much done with school, we are waiting on summertime and my leg to heal to see if we go swimming anywhere.  But here goes another shitty movie review....
    I did not like this movie mainly on the fact that Vince Vaughn was not the right actor for the role.  I think he can be funny, loved him in Old School where he was larger than life and took over everybody.  That type of personality does not work in a relationship with a classy type of chick like Aniston is trying to be in this movie.  I like her too, and she mostly fills in the role of smart, educated chick who wants the perfect life mixed in with her loving family, but she chose the wrong guy.  The Vaughn character is a slob who would rather sit around playing video games when he knows the wife needs him acting like a man.  He seems overwhelmed around her and they don't even have kids yet.
    I don't like to see a man playing video games, it screams man-child, even as they get more common place in the adult world, I refuse to think a real man is going to sit and waste hours playing video games if he has bills and other real world shit to take care of.
    When they are having dinner with both families he seems genuinely repulsed by the idea of the brother singing and involving everybody in a sing along, big deal that he is gay, it seemed like a fun moment, just clap your hands or whatever.  No, he sits there insisting that's not his thing.  Jackass!
    Once they get into the meat of the movie, the actual break up, he is just like a piece of furniture, refusing to do anything to show his girlfriend he gives two shits about her, other than refusing to abandon the apartment.  She walks around nude, he acts like he doesn't notice, she brings over guys, he continues playing video games.  If he wanted her back, make a move, Bozo.  No, he is too busy acting like a man-child refusing to show any growth, depth of character, or ability to learn and adjust to a situation before him.
    In the last scene, it takes his friend to tell him "yeah, you're a selfish, self-centered asshole, good in a bar, but a horrible human being" to even start getting him to try something different.  She still breaks up with him, smartest thing she does, but like most stupid good looking girls, she'll go back and wonder why am I in a loveless marriage?  Because you insisted on marrying a dick.
    I liked everybody in this movie, I just didn't buy the love aspect of it.

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