Sunday, August 7, 2016

8/8/16 Star Trek Beyond (Movie)

    After wearing ourselves out shopping for boats Saturday afternoon, I came home and took a nap after we talked with One of Boy's high school friends who stopped by to say hi.  He informed us he had joined the army and was fixing to leave Sept 17.  I feel conflicted about his decision, but it is his and he is a grown ass man.  Right out of high school I really felt like talking him out of this decision, he was in ROTC and they had him all pumped up to join the marines as soon as he graduated.  What for?  These fucking wars in the middle east have no rhyme or reason, we are not spreading democracy, we are simply fucking with people because when you have a military larger than the next 24 countries combined you kind of need to use it.  Anyways, it has been five years since they graduated from high school, and if he feels that is his best move, then good luck with that.  After about an hour and a half of visiting, I excused myself and came upstairs to take a nap, we had tickets for the movies at 11:15pm.  We got out at 1:30am, I like that.
    I like the idea of the Star Trek movies, and the scenery is usually top notch.  The beginning has the crew and the Enterprise headed to a deep space restocking space station after a slight skirmish with a small band of lion looking people.  On the space station, which reminded me of the twisting and turning cities in Inception, as the whole thing appears to be in a giant glass looking globe the size of a small moon and the city is almost set up like a river flowing and moving the USS Enterprise  is getting restocked, a distress call comes in from some alien life form saying her ship had been taken prisoner in an uncharted nebula.  Capt. Kirk of course volunteers his crew and ship to go save the prisoners.  They are ambushed and the USS Enterprise is torn to shit.  The ship's attacking them were small and appeared to be made out of rocks which pierced the hull and everything fairly easy.  The Capt. ordered everyone to abandon ship, but every escape pod gets taken to the nearby planet by the drones.
    Capt Kirk and some key other characters escaped capture, and of course devise a plan to escape the planet.  Lucky for them, they find Jaylah, whose crew and family had been taken in the same way and now has as her home an older space ship hidden from the bad guys with mirror devices.  It just needed a little love from Chekov, and before the end of the movie, the back up ship is ready to travel to space.  It turns out the bad guy has gotten  hold of some weapon that eats people up or dissolves them into nothing.  I don't understand why there aren't more bad guys on the planet, but once they decided they are going to save the captured personnel, the plan works like a charm, of course.  Even with an old motorcycle to make Capt. Kirk look more cool, I thought it was a little cheesy.
    Once they have everybody, the space ship that is over 100 years old and has been sitting exposed to weather and even rocks growing on it, is ready to fly, no big deal.  I thought it was lame that old time rock and roll was used to kill the bad guys, but oh well.  Of course, the movie is never over until Capt. Kirk has had one more chance to show everyone how cool he is.  He talks to the bad guy trying to get him to come around and surrender but of course in the end, the bad guy must be bad and the good guys win.  Star Trek is cheesy and fun that way, never mind the millions and billions of dollars in damage to ship after ship, they'll be back in another USS Enterprise in a couple months.

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