Wednesday, August 31, 2016

8/31/16 Are Humans Magnetically Charged?

    We have gotten our gym moved from a different building to the one I work at, so I am loving the accessibility.  What I hate are the jerk-offs who need to plant themselves 3 feet away from where you are at.  Why?  The gym is a good space, maybe even a little bigger than the last one.  I walk laps in the building too, 6 laps equal a mile, so it is easy to keep count of how much I walk a night.  But even better, I walk past the gym, if there are too many in there, I'll just keep walking.  Last week, I go in, there is one other person and he is stretching himself on the other side of the room.  I go towards the free weights, and start doing curls.  I didn't even get to ten and I get "Buddy, can I move your stuff..." In less than 30 seconds, with the gym empty, he decides he needs to come use the bench right next to me.  I had placed my phone on it since I was standing by it, and I don't want to hit my phone with the weights going up and down against my legs and hips.  All I can muster is "yeah, move my stuff, no problem."  But WTF, we're going to both work in a space where you could barely park a small car?  And there are identical benches a couple feet apart, but he needed the one by me.  Freaking Anus.
    Today, a similar thing, I am on the free weights minding my own business, then yoga boy shows up.  Clap clap, he is very flexible, why does he need to set up his little stretch pad one bench over from where I am.  There is a room dedicated for yoga/Pilates, get your ass in there, Buddy.  This one wasn't as bad as the first night, but still, I maintain that the gym is a big room, why are these dudes setting up within 5 feet of me?  Everybody has earphones, It's not like we are getting friendly bullshitting, these are guys serious about their exercise.
    I've mentioned this before, like in restaurants when all the tables might be empty, but the people decide they should sit right next to me.  I am not smiling and waving you over.  On the contrary, specially if you got kids, you should self monitor, you know your kids suck and they're gonna get loud.  Try and sit away from people.
    So is it an internal magnet that pulls you towards some people, or are people so out of it, they don't notice when they almost sit on you?  I need to get my own IPOD and music to hear, that way I can go through life too with no consideration for my fellow man.  I'll just look up when I need something and say shitty stuff like "excuse you, can you move your shit?"  I am obviously more important than you and I want this space.  Wow, if that is how a-holes think, maybe I am on to something.  I need to become more a-holey.

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