Friday, August 5, 2016

8/5/16 Wife Said "Go Ahead, Get A New Boat"

    I've been kicking around the idea of buying a couple jetskis or personal watercraft, figuring I could buy one soon and another before next summer comes around.  Boy has been pushing back a lot, he does not like the idea.  Today, he was even being shitty saying something to the effect of  "if you're going to spend money foolishly because you have reached a midlife crisis, buy a BMW Z4 or a pontoon boat."  I don't understand him getting his panties in a bunch, when I am sure he would benefit the most from us having a couple jetskis for use whenever.
    Some of the drawbacks  though are that the Yamahas which I had been told could carry three people or 1000 pounds, really only hold 530 pounds, and Chubs and I is already more than that.  I also had visions of fishing with my dad on these, but Boy says Grandpa is so lame, if he falls in the water, he wouldn't be strong enough to get back up.  Even with a step in the back of the watercraft.  Then he takes a stab at me, saying I would have problems too.  I just say "shut it, Putz, my arms are way stronger than yours."  But I do worry a bit, I've been seeing videos and some of those jetskis seem hellbent on flipping over when they are just sitting there, like a bike, they need to be going to be stable.
    Maybe it is Wife's way of shutting me up, but all of a sudden today while driving to work and telling her I took Boy to look at the Yamaha PWC, and he could have cared less, she told me to just forget about them and get a boat for us.  I told her fine, but I thought we didn't want to get more into financing so many things.  She said "yeah, but we are almost done with the RV."  We owe less than $7000 on it, and we should have about that amount of money in a couple weeks, plus I intend to sell the VW bug and my old boat.  If I get about $4000 a piece, that could be an easy $15,000 to use for a healthy down payment.  We still don't even know Wife's exact new payment, as she won't get her first check until mid-august from her new school, but I am hoping for a real healthy check.  I believe the school is even paying for her insurance, which means a savings of over $300 a month.  That might be enough for my boat payment.  I told her, if I am getting a new boat, it is going to be something nice.  I like the Yamaha boats in the 24foot range, but they vary from about $45000-$75000.  That might be a bit much.  I'll keep looking and decide during the January boat show.

Image result for Yamaha 242

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