Saturday, August 27, 2016

8/27/16 San Marcos Might Make Me Take In More Kids?

    Boy just let me know that that apartment he was fixing to move into in a couple weeks rejected them.  Turns out, they make too much money as a group.  For some stupid reason, even though the city exists primarily because it is a university city, it has a policy that apartments can only be rented as low income housing, or something like that.  The exceptions for the bigger student apartments are that they rent by the bedroom, so each kid is responsible for a bedroom and they might share a kitchen and living room.  Boy said this was cost prohibitive, as each kid is then responsible for the cost of a 1 bedroom apartment, or about $600 per head.
    At this point, Boy can stay here, and save the money his grandparent's are sending him, for spring tuition and or other incidentals.  Wife has been pushing his roommates to take the guest room we have upstairs.  At first, I was hesitant because I don't want the house full of loitering kids, but if I already have the other kid living in the room downstairs, might as well make as much money from them right now.  Wife isn't here most of the time, so it could almost feel like their apartment.  I work all week, and I just end up hanging around my house for a couple hours in the afternoon, like from three to five.
    If this does workout, I am going to be looking at a good chunk of change, in the twelve hundred dollar range, which will add up pronto to buy me some Seadoos or Yamaha PWC.  Wife gave me a good idea to go and test drive these and the Hobie kayak that I was bitching about before the PWC became the most important things I ever need to own.  I recall the guy at the place where they sell the Hobie kayaks that they do rent them out for the day.  I am fixing to have every other Thursday off, so I can get up around noon and go mess around some lake for a couple hours, even if I don't end up buying, I could rent them regularly, I'll find out if I'm a kayak kind of dude.  I've seen that there are places to rent a PWC out on the lake here and there, and Craigslist will have offers from independent guys willing to rent out their units for a day or a half day.  This could be a way to get out there and see if I really like running around on one.
    Kind of sucks, but in my head, there was going to be a line of wenches waiting to entertain me, so I needed Boy to scram and get to his apartment, but here we are in the real world.  The little Duffus couldn't even get his apartment business in order so he'll probably be here chaperoning my free minutes that I have.  If that is the case, I might as well make some money off of his peeps.  I was generous in the past and let his friends stay here for free and all I got from that was ugly stares and being uncomfortable in my own home.  I think at least I have learned and if I will be prevented from sitting in my birthday suit down in the living room, at least the little shits will fund my other fantasies and give me the money to buy more toys.

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