Saturday, August 20, 2016

8/20/16 Idiots Still Mess With Texas?

    We have had the slogan "Don't Mess With Texas" since 1986, and I am still amazed to see the smaller brain versions of humans throwing stuff out their windows, like the world is their trash can.  What goes on in these people's heads that makes it ok to just lower the window and poof trash fairy made my ugly stuff disappear.  No, Asshole, you just dumped it out for all of us behind you to run over it and spread it out even more.
    It is similar as when I tell Boy to scan the yard for trash before he begins to cut the grass.  "Nah, I'll do it my way."  Instead of picking up a piece of paper, he runs over it and turns it into fluff that can't really be picked up, he just leaves a white patch of shit against the backdrop of green or yellow green if it is really hot.
    Sometimes I'll see stuff fly out the back of a truck.  On the one hand, they didn't just fling it into the street, but on the other hand, you should notice when things fly out the back and if so, get a container for trash, that wouldn't be hard to do.  A few straps to a bucket with a snap on lid or a screw on lid to make sure it is staying on.
    The worst of the people that throw stuff out their windows is the cigarette smoker.  How come this animal has not learned that those patches of burned grass next to the road we see everywhere are caused by you and your fellow brethren?  You see them all the time and you can even tell when they are going to do it.  They'll suck and puff at the light, and right before they merge onto harder driving, like before the ramp to I-35, flick!  You can see them do that double suck, and then arm extension and gone.  I fucking hate that.  I've seen them flick the cigarette at a light, then the butt dances around on the ground, seeing if there is anything flammable.  I always think the patches of oil are going to light up, and catch on fire.
    Right as we leave work, there is a burned area between the frontage and Highway 71.  I hate to think that one of our own would do that, but knuckleheads exist everywhere.  It has taken about a month and a half, but at least the grass is growing back, all this rain is helping.
    Too bad we can't have the scenery we get to the east of Texas, with all the trees.  I am guessing  it has to do with the amount of rain we get here.  Things get even rougher as you go west.  Over there it is nothing but rocks and desert.  Last thing we need is your trash dirtying up the place, so keep your stuff in your car, I'll keep my papers and wrappers in my truck until I clean my truck, and hopefully our state can look pretty once again.

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