Wednesday, June 9, 2021

6/9/21 Baby A's Foreign Language?

     Baby A had a hard time with his Spanish class earlier this year.  It was something he just could not get in his head.  After a few months if trying in the fall, he finally dropped the class so he would not suffer a failing grade and ruin his GPA.  The plan was to retake Spanish with a different teacher but then he found out the one Spanish class he could take was in the middle of the day when he is trying to be at school practicing with the team.  When it looked like he wasn't going to have a choice, he talked to his advisor and assured him it was only for the first summer session.  I was not a fan of him having to take a course like that over the summer, but he has to stay connected and accomplish his goals if he is to remain in the program that talks about graduating with an associate degree.  This is when the idea of taking sign language first started, and although he was told no initially, he was able to petition it or ask someone else and get permission.

    Mijo has always wanted to learn sign language, it is something he did a little bit of when he was baby and Wife had been convinced that he was going to have a hearing disability.  Actually, Wife was telling me that he is a little hard of hearing based on a test he undertook years ago.  According to Wife, who admittedly, pays more attention to our boys than me, claims that Mijo has only hearing of 70% in both ears.  This doesn't seem right to me, but Wife is willing to fight me over this news so I just kind of let it go.

    He is excited about what he is learning, yesterday I walked in the house and he showed me he had learned the alphabet and went through it all.  Today, I walked in and he was excited to show me he could count up to 20 with his fingers.  Wife thinks he is picking it up very quickly, we shall see what he does, he is in a self paced class, so it will be up to him to keep up.

    I just want him to get the language credit, Wife is envisioning him working as an aide to someone who is deaf, maybe as a translator while he is in college since she has been able to pay students and others who can communicate through sign language in some of her programs.  I don't know how much interest our son really has, but I do know that he needs to strengthen his fingers as he is already complaining that his fingers are cramping up from all the different finger positions.

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