Thursday, June 10, 2021

6/10/21 There Might Be Something To Circadian Rhythms?

     The past two weeks have had me on an almost regular dayshift and I am feeling all sorts of renewed.  This week I have been going in early, Wednesday I was in to work by 8:30am and I haven't even felt sleepy all day.  I have also been working out before starting my day, Wife suggested I get up when she gets up and that meant I got up today at 4:50am today.  It sounds real early but we were in bed by 10:00pm, so we still managed to sleep a good almost 7 hours.

    So far, my workouts have only been lifting weights, and I do enjoy that but at some point I need to incorporate some walking on the treadmill, but I need to make room in my workout room before I add that.  I had been doing this at 7:00am when I would wake up to take Baby A to school and wait for him to finish when I would then hurry back and get him at 9:30am.  This week, I have started earlier and earlier, culminating with my 5:00am start Wednesday.  The interesting thing, to me, is that I have been getting up around this time on my days off.  I believe that is my natural circadian rhythm, to go to bed early and rise early.  Normally, on Friday nights, I am asleep before Wife, where she will stay up until 1:00am, I like to fall asleep as soon as we go upstairs.  Then in the morning, I usually wake up between 6:00am and 7:00am, which is especially nice if we don't have plans.  I find it peaceful to be up before everyone and drink my cup of coffee in quiet solitude.

    If I am not fighting the layout of the day, such as when I force myself to take a nap around 3:00pm, so I can go to work at my normal time of around 4:30pm, I find that I am much more at peace.  Getting up at 6:30am is annoying for a minute or two, but I like that I am doing it for me.   Before Covid19 forced us all to slow down and hide in our houses, I was working at a rate that I could not really sustain anymore.  I was in a world of hurt, falling asleep everywhere we went and not even being confidant enough to drive out of town anymore, with a fear of getting tired and falling asleep.  In the last 6 months, I have been more or less working a normal schedule, in that at least I am home in time to go to bed by 1:00am the latest.  This means that I am sleeping when the normal people sleep, and I see the benefit and I hate to admit that I am liking it.

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