Thursday, June 17, 2021

6/17/21 Too Much Of A Good Thing?

     I think I overdid trying to be a  dayshift employee this week.  I did some simple deductive reasoning, knowing I was covering for the imaging group, I figured once the second employee left for vacation on Tuesday afternoon, I would have free rein of the tool and thus could go in whenever I wanted.  Adding to my little logic, I also considered that in chemistry we have 4 of us, so surely they could do without me for a couple days.  Well, maybe not.

    I mentioned it to Wife that I could go in whenever and she made it her little plan to get me up in the morning when she gets up, at 4:45am.  That was hard, when you consider I lean towards night shift, even if I do get up at 7:00am on my days off, that is to screw around here at home, not be out in public for 10 hours at a stretch.  At first it seemed cool to sneak in before the majority of people and get all this work, like the military says "we do more by sunrise than most people do all day..." or something like that.  At the very least I was kind of avoiding that hot sun by getting to work before the sun was up.

    Some problems were that I was told to work on a certain job, it had 6 samples and being I started working on the stuff on Tuesday afternoon, I split it in my head to do two samples a day, not killing myself, but being productive.  At 11:00am while I am in the thick of my sample prep the imaging manager calls to stop working on what I had and start working on a different job.  I hate doing shit like that.  Once I am focused on something, I really don't like changing directions, but "what are you gonna do??"  I pissed and moaned for a good hour, probably why management stays in their ivory tower on the other side of the building, so they don't hear the peasants doing the actual labor complaining.  This threw me off on Wednesday from getting my 2 samples done.  I went in focused telling myself if I busted ass, I could finish those and the other two.  I know it's dumb, but that is how I keep myself motivated to do work.

    Today, in the afternoon I was well on my way to completing samples 5 and 6 and even if I had to stay an extra hour or so to finish, I would feel like I had done a great job supporting the imaging group.  Then my chemistry manager called at 3:30 to mention we had a job that was due today, to make sure and start with that.  I told him that I was getting ready to leave but I was sticking around to finish the job I had started.  He sounded a little hurt "you mean you're not going to run the job (I need)?"  Well, it was implied that I had one foot out the door, but I can be guilted when asked by the right person.  I figured I get out early most nights, so I decided I would do the right thing.  I stopped the samples I was working on for imaging since I was doing those just for my personal ego and just left a note that I got close but someone else could finish them.

    I was quick and it was an easy job.  I was done by 5:15pm or so and got home before 6:00pm, so I still beat Wife home and we had already talked about eating pizza tonight, so no rush to cook dinner (Mod Pizza sells a pretty good low carb cauliflower pizza).  I will still be glad to get back to my routine of working in the afternoon, this early rising crap is not for me.

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